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"""utility functions for mindspore.scipy st tests"""
import platform
from typing import List
from functools import cmp_to_key
import numpy as onp
import scipy.sparse.linalg
from scipy.linalg import eigvals
from mindspore import Tensor, CSRTensor
import mindspore.ops as ops
import mindspore.numpy as mnp
from mindspore.common import dtype as mstype
def to_tensor(obj, dtype=None, indice_dtype=onp.int32):
This function is used to initialize Tensor or CSRTensor.
'obj' can be three type:
1. tuple or list
Must be the format: (list, str), and str should be 'Tensor' or 'CSRTensor'.
2. numpy.ndarray
3. scipy.sparse.csr_matrix
if isinstance(obj, (tuple, list)):
obj, tensor_type = obj
if tensor_type == "Tensor":
obj = onp.array(obj)
elif tensor_type == "CSRTensor":
obj = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(obj)
if dtype is None:
dtype = obj.dtype
if isinstance(obj, onp.ndarray):
obj = Tensor(obj.astype(dtype))
elif isinstance(obj, scipy.sparse.csr_matrix):
obj = CSRTensor(indptr=Tensor(obj.indptr.astype(indice_dtype)),
return obj
def to_ndarray(obj, dtype=None):
if isinstance(obj, Tensor):
obj = obj.asnumpy()
elif isinstance(obj, CSRTensor):
obj = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((obj.values.asnumpy(), obj.indices.asnumpy(), obj.indptr.asnumpy()),
obj = obj.toarray()
if dtype is not None:
obj = obj.astype(dtype)
return obj
def match_array(actual, expected, error=0, err_msg=''):
if isinstance(actual, int):
actual = onp.asarray(actual)
if isinstance(expected, (int, tuple)):
expected = onp.asarray(expected)
if error > 0:
onp.testing.assert_almost_equal(actual, expected, decimal=error, err_msg=err_msg)
onp.testing.assert_equal(actual, expected, err_msg=err_msg)
def match_matrix(actual, expected, error=0, err_msg=''):
if actual.shape != expected.shape:
raise ValueError(
err_msg.join(f" actual shape {actual.shape} is not equal to expected input shape {expected.shape}"))
sub_abs = mnp.abs(mnp.subtract(actual, expected))
no_zero_max = sub_abs.max()
if no_zero_max > Tensor(error, dtype=mstype.float64):
raise ValueError(
err_msg.join(f" actual value: {actual} is not equal to expected input value: {expected}"))
def create_full_rank_matrix(shape, dtype):
if len(shape) < 2 or shape[-1] != shape[-2]:
raise ValueError(
'Full rank matrix must be a square matrix, but has shape: ', shape)
invertible = False
a = None
while not invertible:
a = onp.random.random(shape).astype(dtype)
invertible = True
except onp.linalg.LinAlgError:
return a
def create_random_rank_matrix(shape, dtype):
if dtype in [onp.complex64, onp.complex128]:
random_data = onp.random.uniform(low=-1.0, high=1.0, size=shape).astype(dtype)
random_data += 1j * onp.random.uniform(low=-1.0, high=1.0, size=shape).astype(dtype)
elif dtype in [onp.int32, onp.int64]:
random_data = onp.random.randint(10000, size=shape).astype(dtype)
random_data = onp.random.random(shape).astype(dtype)
return random_data
def create_sym_pos_matrix(shape, dtype):
if len(shape) != 2 or shape[0] != shape[1]:
raise ValueError(
'Symmetric positive definite matrix must be a square matrix, but has shape: ', shape)
n = shape[-1]
count = 0
while count < 100:
x = onp.random.random(shape).astype(dtype)
a = (onp.matmul(x, x.T) + onp.eye(n)).astype(dtype)
count += 1
if onp.min(eigvals(a)) > 0:
return a
raise ValueError('Symmetric positive definite matrix create failed')
def gradient_check(x, net, epsilon=1e-3, symmetric=False, enumerate_fn=onp.ndenumerate):
# Some utils
def _tensor_to_numpy(arg: List[Tensor]) -> List[onp.ndarray]:
return [_arg.asnumpy() for _arg in arg]
def _numpy_to_tensor(arg: List[onp.ndarray]) -> List[Tensor]:
return [Tensor(_arg) for _arg in arg]
def _add_value(arg: List[onp.ndarray], outer, inner, value):
arg[outer][inner] += value
return arg
def _flatten(arg: List[onp.ndarray]) -> onp.ndarray:
arg = [_arg.reshape((-1,)) for _arg in arg]
return onp.concatenate(arg)
if isinstance(x, Tensor):
x = [x]
# Using automatic differentiation to calculate gradient
grad_net = ops.GradOperation(get_all=True)(net)
x_grad = grad_net(*x)
x_grad = _tensor_to_numpy(x_grad)
# Using the definition of a derivative to calculate gradient
x = _tensor_to_numpy(x)
x_grad_approx = [onp.zeros_like(_x) for _x in x_grad]
for outer, _x in enumerate(x):
for inner, _ in enumerate_fn(_x):
x = _add_value(x, outer, inner, epsilon)
y_plus = net(*_numpy_to_tensor(x)).asnumpy()
x = _add_value(x, outer, inner, -2 * epsilon)
y_minus = net(*_numpy_to_tensor(x)).asnumpy()
y_grad = (y_plus - y_minus) / (2 * epsilon)
x = _add_value(x, outer, inner, epsilon)
x_grad_approx = _add_value(x_grad_approx, outer, inner, y_grad)
if symmetric:
x_grad_approx = [0.5 * (_x_grad + _x_grad.conj().T) for _x_grad in x_grad_approx]
x_grad = _flatten(x_grad)
x_grad_approx = _flatten(x_grad_approx)
numerator = onp.linalg.norm(x_grad - x_grad_approx)
denominator = onp.linalg.norm(x_grad) + onp.linalg.norm(x_grad_approx)
difference = numerator / denominator
return difference
def compare_eigen_decomposition(src_res, tgt_res, compute_v, rtol, atol):
def my_argsort(w):
Sort eigenvalues, by comparing the real part first, and then the image part
when the real part is comparatively same (less than rtol).
def my_cmp(x_id, y_id):
x = w[x_id]
y = w[y_id]
if abs(onp.real(x) - onp.real(y)) < rtol:
return onp.imag(x) - onp.imag(y)
return onp.real(x) - onp.real(y)
w_ind = list(range(len(w)))
return w_ind
sw, mw = src_res[0], tgt_res[0]
s_perm = my_argsort(sw)
m_perm = my_argsort(mw)
sw = onp.take(sw, s_perm, -1)
mw = onp.take(mw, m_perm, -1)
assert onp.allclose(sw, mw, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
if compute_v:
sv, mv = src_res[1], tgt_res[1]
sv = onp.take(sv, s_perm, -1)
mv = onp.take(mv, m_perm, -1)
# Normalize eigenvectors.
phases = onp.sum(sv.conj() * mv, -2, keepdims=True)
sv = phases / onp.abs(phases) * sv
assert onp.allclose(sv, mv, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
def get_platform():
return platform.system().lower()