mindspore-ci-bot 9483666e60 !9701 add CPU OnesLike and ZerosLike
From: @zhao_ting_v
Reviewed-by: @liangchenghui,@wuxuejian
Signed-off-by: @wuxuejian
2020-12-09 19:14:26 +08:00
test_abs_op.py add some cpu operator 2020-10-29 14:17:03 +08:00
test_adam_op.py add Adam CPU op 2020-11-04 09:29:17 +08:00
test_addn_op.py Fixing some tiny faults about Pylint in my code(ops) 2020-05-29 12:01:04 +08:00
test_apply_adagrad_op.py add applyadagrad operator on cpu. 2020-12-04 12:55:42 +08:00
test_argmax_op.py change tensor dtype and shape from function to attr 2020-06-12 19:03:23 +08:00
test_arithmetic_op.py cpu Sub support broadcast shape 2020-09-28 15:18:51 +08:00
test_arithmetic_self_op.py fix cpu type excption 2020-10-23 15:42:11 +08:00
test_assign_add_op.py add AddN,AssignAdd,Conv2d,BN,Relu6,TensorAdd CPU operator 2020-08-20 20:05:04 +08:00
test_assign_op.py Add assign op for cpu 2020-12-05 10:52:07 +08:00
test_batchnorm_op.py add some cpu operator 2020-10-29 14:17:03 +08:00
test_bias_add.py clean pylint 2020-05-18 16:42:35 +08:00
test_bias_add_grad.py Fixing some tiny faults about Pylint in my code(ops) 2020-05-25 21:27:45 +08:00
test_cache_ops.py add dynamic ops 2020-11-16 11:07:40 +08:00
test_cast_op.py Add assign op for cpu 2020-12-05 10:52:07 +08:00
test_concat_op.py Fixing some tiny faults about Pylint in my code(ops) 2020-05-28 09:52:42 +08:00
test_conv2d_backprop_filter_op.py Fixing some tiny faults about Pylint in my code(ops) 2020-05-28 09:52:42 +08:00
test_conv2d_backprop_input_op.py Fixing some tiny faults about Pylint in my code(ops) 2020-05-29 12:01:04 +08:00
test_conv2d_op.py fix cpu conv2d padding 2020-10-14 10:34:46 +08:00
test_cpu_type.py fix cpu kernel select 2020-10-30 10:30:13 +08:00
test_dropout_grad_op.py Add Dropout Grad for cpu 2020-12-07 14:34:34 +08:00
test_dropout_op.py add dropout 2020-12-04 11:25:10 +08:00
test_embedding_look_up_op.py adapt input to attr between cpu and aicpu embeddinglookup 2020-08-11 17:21:49 +08:00
test_equal_op.py add cpu op equal 2020-11-06 12:15:03 +08:00
test_equalcount_op.py change tensor dtype and shape from function to attr 2020-06-12 19:03:23 +08:00
test_exp_op.py add some cpu operator 2020-10-29 14:17:03 +08:00
test_gather_op.py Fixing some tiny faults about Pylint in my code(ops) 2020-05-28 09:52:42 +08:00
test_isfinite_op.py add operator isfinite 2020-12-04 17:25:49 +08:00
test_l1_regularizer_op.py new update basic.py which add class L1Regularizer(Cell). new add test_l1_regularizer.py. new add test_l1_regularizer.py 2020-12-07 20:08:35 +08:00
test_less_op.py add some cpu operator 2020-10-29 14:17:03 +08:00
test_log_op.py add some cpu operator 2020-10-29 14:17:03 +08:00
test_lstm_op.py LSTM API optimization 2020-09-16 22:50:49 +08:00
test_maximum_grad.py Add MaximumGrad 2020-12-09 00:08:00 +08:00
test_maximum_op.py Add MaximumGrad 2020-12-09 00:08:00 +08:00
test_maxpool_grad_op.py Fixing some tiny faults about Pylint in my code(ops) 2020-05-25 21:27:45 +08:00
test_maxpool_op.py fix cpu type excption 2020-10-23 15:42:11 +08:00
test_momentum_op.py mod_SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits 2020-09-03 17:33:20 +08:00
test_mul_op.py fix dnnl binary broadcast 2020-12-01 09:20:12 +08:00
test_neg_op.py add some cpu operator 2020-10-29 14:17:03 +08:00
test_one_hot_op.py Fixing some tiny faults about Pylint in my code(ops) 2020-05-25 21:27:45 +08:00
test_oneslike_op.py add CPU OnesLike and ZerosLike 2020-12-09 15:41:21 +08:00
test_pow_op.py add some cpu operator 2020-10-29 14:17:03 +08:00
test_realdiv_op.py add some cpu operator 2020-10-29 14:17:03 +08:00
test_reduce_op.py Add operator ReduceMin for CPU backend 2020-12-03 19:12:32 +08:00
test_relu6_op.py add some cpu operator 2020-10-29 14:17:03 +08:00
test_relu_grad_op.py add some cpu operator 2020-10-29 14:17:03 +08:00
test_relu_op.py Fixing some tiny faults about Pylint in my code(ops) 2020-05-25 21:27:45 +08:00
test_rmsprop.py [add] support RMSProp CPU Kernel 2020-12-07 09:33:28 +08:00
test_scatter_nd_update_op.py thread pool 2020-10-12 09:12:16 +08:00
test_select_op.py Add Select ops for cpu 2020-12-04 10:22:33 +08:00
test_sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits_grad_op.py add_cpu_op 2020-10-30 13:07:35 +08:00
test_sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits_op.py add_cpu_op 2020-10-30 13:07:35 +08:00
test_sigmoid_op.py add some cpu operator 2020-10-29 14:17:03 +08:00
test_slice_grad_op.py optim pylint 2020-08-31 14:49:57 +08:00
test_slice_op.py fix scpu slice 2020-10-13 13:41:36 +08:00
test_smooth_l1_loss_grad_op.py add cpu op 2020-10-29 17:17:56 +08:00
test_smooth_l1_loss_op.py add cpu op 2020-10-29 17:17:56 +08:00
test_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_op.py add reduce and softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits 2020-06-19 21:37:43 +08:00
test_softmax_op.py fix softmax 2020-09-27 09:53:27 +08:00
test_softmax_with_cross_entropy_op.py change tensor dtype and shape from function to attr 2020-06-12 19:03:23 +08:00
test_sparse_apply_adam_op.py modify_bug 2020-09-09 18:20:32 +08:00
test_sparse_apply_ftrl_op.py modify_bug 2020-09-09 18:20:32 +08:00
test_sparse_apply_proximal_adagrad_op.py modify_bug 2020-09-09 18:20:32 +08:00
test_sqrt_op.py add some cpu operator 2020-10-29 14:17:03 +08:00
test_square_op.py add some cpu operator 2020-10-29 14:17:03 +08:00
test_standard_normal.py CPU operation dev:StandardNormal 2020-12-04 17:43:03 +08:00
test_stridedslice_grad_op.py fix cpu StridedSliceGrad 2020-06-02 19:20:15 +08:00
test_stridedslice_op.py optimize performance 2020-06-04 16:20:51 +08:00
test_tanh_op.py add some cpu operator 2020-10-29 14:17:03 +08:00
test_tensoradd.py fix dnnl binary broadcast 2020-12-01 09:20:12 +08:00
test_tile_op.py add cpu op 2020-10-29 17:17:56 +08:00
test_transpose_op.py clean pylint 2020-05-29 23:00:00 +08:00
test_unique_op.py optimize cpu unique 2020-11-09 17:05:42 +08:00
test_zeroslike_op.py add CPU OnesLike and ZerosLike 2020-12-09 15:41:21 +08:00