!19347 tinybert can been used on ModelArts

Merge pull request !19347 from 郑彬/tinybert2
This commit is contained in:
i-robot 2021-07-05 07:40:45 +00:00 committed by Gitee
commit fb6ec96862
21 changed files with 1481 additions and 297 deletions

View File

@ -15,27 +15,16 @@
"""export checkpoint file into air models"""
import re
import argparse
import os
import numpy as np
from mindspore import Tensor, context
from mindspore.train.serialization import load_checkpoint, load_param_into_net, export
from src.td_config import td_student_net_cfg
from src.tinybert_model import BertModelCLS, BertModelNER
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='tinybert task distill')
parser.add_argument("--device_id", type=int, default=0, help="Device id")
parser.add_argument("--ckpt_file", type=str, required=True, help="tinybert ckpt file.")
parser.add_argument("--file_name", type=str, default="tinybert", help="output file name.")
parser.add_argument("--file_format", type=str, choices=["AIR", "ONNX", "MINDIR"], default="AIR", help="file format")
parser.add_argument("--device_target", type=str, default="Ascend",
choices=["Ascend", "GPU", "CPU"], help="device target (default: Ascend)")
parser.add_argument("--task_type", type=str, default="classification", choices=["classification", "ner"],
help="The type of the task to train.")
parser.add_argument("--task_name", type=str, default="", choices=["SST-2", "QNLI", "MNLI", "TNEWS", "CLUENER"],
help="The name of the task to train.")
args = parser.parse_args()
from src.model_utils.config import config as args, td_student_net_cfg
from src.model_utils.moxing_adapter import moxing_wrapper
from src.model_utils.device_adapter import get_device_id
context.set_context(mode=context.GRAPH_MODE, device_target=args.device_target)
if args.device_target == "Ascend":
@ -50,6 +39,7 @@ task_params = {"SST-2": {"num_labels": 2, "seq_length": 64},
"TNEWS": {"num_labels": 15, "seq_length": 128},
"CLUENER": {"num_labels": 43, "seq_length": 128}}
class Task:
Encapsulation class of get the task parameter.
@ -69,7 +59,18 @@ class Task:
return task_params[self.task_name]["seq_length"]
if __name__ == '__main__':
def modelarts_pre_process():
'''modelarts pre process function.'''
args.device_id = get_device_id()
_file_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
args.ckpt_file = os.path.join(_file_dir, args.ckpt_file)
args.file_name = os.path.join(args.output_path, args.file_name)
def run_export():
"""export function"""
task = Task(args.task_name)
td_student_net_cfg.seq_length = task.seq_length
td_student_net_cfg.batch_size = DEFAULT_BS
@ -96,3 +97,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
input_data = [input_ids, token_type_id, input_mask]
export(eval_model, *input_data, file_name=args.file_name, file_format=args.file_format)
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
# Builtin Configurations(DO NOT CHANGE THESE CONFIGURATIONS unless you know exactly what you are doing)
enable_modelarts: False
# Url for modelarts
data_url: ""
train_url: ""
checkpoint_url: ""
# Path for local
data_path: "/cache/data"
output_path: "/cache/train"
load_path: "/cache/checkpoint_path"
device_target: "Ascend"
enable_profiling: False
modelarts_dataset_unzip_name: ''
folder_name_under_zip_file: './'
# ==============================================================================
description: 'general_distill'
distribute: "false"
epoch_size: 3
device_id: 0
device_num: 1
save_ckpt_step: 100
max_ckpt_num: 1
do_shuffle: "true"
enable_data_sink: "true"
data_sink_steps: 1
save_ckpt_path: ''
load_teacher_ckpt_path: ''
data_dir: ''
schema_dir: ''
dataset_type: "tfrecord"
batch_size: 32
loss_scale_value: 65536
scale_factor: 2
scale_window: 1000
learning_rate: 0.00005 # 5e-5
end_learning_rate: 0.00000000000001 # 1e-14
power: 1.0
weight_decay: 0.0001 # 1e-4
eps: 0.000001 # 1e-6
decay_filter: ['layernorm', 'bias']
seq_length: 128
vocab_size: 30522
hidden_size: 768
num_hidden_layers: 12
num_attention_heads: 12
intermediate_size: 3072
hidden_act: "gelu"
hidden_dropout_prob: 0.1
attention_probs_dropout_prob: 0.1
max_position_embeddings: 512
type_vocab_size: 2
initializer_range: 0.02
use_relative_positions: False
dtype: mstype.float32
compute_type: mstype.float16
seq_length: 128
vocab_size: 30522
hidden_size: 384
num_hidden_layers: 4
num_attention_heads: 12
intermediate_size: 1536
hidden_act: "gelu"
hidden_dropout_prob: 0.1
attention_probs_dropout_prob: 0.1
max_position_embeddings: 512
type_vocab_size: 2
initializer_range: 0.02
use_relative_positions: False
dtype: mstype.float32
compute_type: mstype.float16
# Help description for each configuration
enable_modelarts: "Whether training on modelarts, default: False"
data_url: "Url for modelarts"
train_url: "Url for modelarts"
data_path: "The location of the input data."
output_path: "The location of the output file."
device_target: "Running platform, choose from Ascend, GPU or CPU, and default is Ascend."
enable_profiling: 'Whether enable profiling while training, default: False'
modelarts_dataset_unzip_name: ""
folder_name_under_zip_file: ''
distribute: "Run distribute, default is false."
epoch_size: "Epoch size, default is 1."
device_id: "Device id, default is 0."
device_num: "Use device nums, default is 1."
save_ckpt_step: "Enable data sink, default is true."
max_ckpt_num: ""
do_shuffle: "Enable shuffle for dataset, default is true."
enable_data_sink: "Enable data sink, default is true."
data_sink_steps: "Sink steps for each epoch, default is 1."
save_ckpt_path: "Save checkpoint path"
load_teacher_ckpt_path: "Load checkpoint file path"
data_dir: "Data path, it is better to use absolute path"
schema_dir: "Schema path, it is better to use absolute path"
dataset_type: "dataset type tfrecord/mindrecord, default is tfrecord"
# choices
device_target: ['Ascend', 'GPU', 'CPU']
distribute: ["true", "false"]
do_shuffle: ["true", "false"]
enable_data_sink: ["true", "false"]

View File

@ -16,20 +16,10 @@
import os
import argparse
import numpy as np
from mindspore import Tensor
from src.assessment_method import Accuracy, F1
from src.td_config import eval_cfg
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='postprocess')
parser.add_argument("--task_name", type=str, default="", choices=["SST-2", "QNLI", "MNLI", "TNEWS", "CLUENER"],
help="The name of the task to train.")
parser.add_argument("--assessment_method", type=str, default="accuracy", choices=["accuracy", "bf1", "mf1"],
help="assessment_method include: [accuracy, bf1, mf1], default is accuracy")
parser.add_argument("--result_path", type=str, default="./result_Files", help="result path")
parser.add_argument("--label_path", type=str, default="./preprocess_Result/label_ids.npy", help="label path")
args_opt = parser.parse_args()
from src.model_utils.config import eval_cfg, config as args_opt

View File

@ -16,20 +16,11 @@
import os
import argparse
import numpy as np
from src.td_config import eval_cfg
from src.model_utils.config import eval_cfg, config as args_opt
from src.dataset import create_tinybert_dataset, DataType
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='preprocess')
parser.add_argument("--eval_data_dir", type=str, default="", help="Data path, it is better to use absolute path")
parser.add_argument("--schema_dir", type=str, default="", help="Schema path, it is better to use absolute path")
parser.add_argument("--dataset_type", type=str, default="tfrecord",
help="dataset type tfrecord/mindrecord, default is tfrecord")
parser.add_argument("--result_path", type=str, default="./preprocess_Result/", help="result path")
args_opt = parser.parse_args()
if args_opt.dataset_type == "tfrecord":
dataset_type = DataType.TFRECORD
elif args_opt.dataset_type == "mindrecord":

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
"""general distill script"""
import os
import argparse
import time
import datetime
import mindspore.communication.management as D
import mindspore.common.dtype as mstype
@ -30,40 +30,76 @@ from mindspore import log as logger
from mindspore.common import set_seed
from src.dataset import create_tinybert_dataset, DataType
from src.utils import LossCallBack, ModelSaveCkpt, BertLearningRate
from src.gd_config import common_cfg, bert_teacher_net_cfg, bert_student_net_cfg
from src.model_utils.config import config as args_opt, common_cfg, bert_teacher_net_cfg, bert_student_net_cfg
from src.tinybert_for_gd_td import BertTrainWithLossScaleCell, BertNetworkWithLoss_gd, BertTrainCell
from src.model_utils.moxing_adapter import moxing_wrapper
from src.model_utils.device_adapter import get_device_id, get_device_num
def get_argument():
"""Tinybert general distill argument parser."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='tinybert general distill')
parser.add_argument('--device_target', type=str, default='Ascend', choices=['Ascend', 'GPU', 'CPU'],
help='device where the code will be implemented. (Default: Ascend)')
parser.add_argument("--distribute", type=str, default="false", choices=["true", "false"],
help="Run distribute, default is false.")
parser.add_argument("--epoch_size", type=int, default="3", help="Epoch size, default is 1.")
parser.add_argument("--device_id", type=int, default=0, help="Device id, default is 0.")
parser.add_argument("--device_num", type=int, default=1, help="Use device nums, default is 1.")
parser.add_argument("--save_ckpt_step", type=int, default=100, help="Enable data sink, default is true.")
parser.add_argument("--max_ckpt_num", type=int, default=1, help="Enable data sink, default is true.")
parser.add_argument("--do_shuffle", type=str, default="true", choices=["true", "false"],
help="Enable shuffle for dataset, default is true.")
parser.add_argument("--enable_data_sink", type=str, default="true", choices=["true", "false"],
help="Enable data sink, default is true.")
parser.add_argument("--data_sink_steps", type=int, default=1, help="Sink steps for each epoch, default is 1.")
parser.add_argument("--save_ckpt_path", type=str, default="", help="Save checkpoint path")
parser.add_argument("--load_teacher_ckpt_path", type=str, default="", help="Load checkpoint file path")
parser.add_argument("--data_dir", type=str, default="", help="Data path, it is better to use absolute path")
parser.add_argument("--schema_dir", type=str, default="", help="Schema path, it is better to use absolute path")
parser.add_argument("--dataset_type", type=str, default="tfrecord",
help="dataset type tfrecord/mindrecord, default is tfrecord")
args_opt = parser.parse_args()
return args_opt
def modelarts_pre_process():
'''modelarts pre process function.'''
def unzip(zip_file, save_dir):
import zipfile
s_time = time.time()
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(save_dir, args_opt.modelarts_dataset_unzip_name)):
zip_isexist = zipfile.is_zipfile(zip_file)
if zip_isexist:
fz = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file, 'r')
data_num = len(fz.namelist())
print("Extract Start...")
print("Unzip file num: {}".format(data_num))
data_print = int(data_num / 100) if data_num > 100 else 1
i = 0
for file in fz.namelist():
if i % data_print == 0:
print("Unzip percent: {}%".format(int(i * 100 / data_num)), flush=True)
i += 1
fz.extract(file, save_dir)
print("Cost time: {}min:{}s.".format(int((time.time() - s_time) / 60),
int(int(time.time() - s_time) % 60)))
print("Extract Done.")
print("This is not zip.")
print("Zip has been extracted.")
if args_opt.modelarts_dataset_unzip_name:
zip_file_1 = os.path.join(args_opt.data_path, args_opt.modelarts_dataset_unzip_name + ".zip")
save_dir_1 = os.path.join(args_opt.data_path)
sync_lock = "/tmp/unzip_sync.lock"
# Each server contains 8 devices as most.
if get_device_id() % min(get_device_num(), 8) == 0 and not os.path.exists(sync_lock):
print("Zip file path: ", zip_file_1)
print("Unzip file save dir: ", save_dir_1)
unzip(zip_file_1, save_dir_1)
print("===Finish extract data synchronization===")
except IOError:
while True:
if os.path.exists(sync_lock):
print("Device: {}, Finish sync unzip data from {} to {}.".format(get_device_id(), zip_file_1, save_dir_1))
_file_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
args_opt.device_id = get_device_id()
args_opt.device_num = get_device_num()
args_opt.data_dir = os.path.join(args_opt.data_path, args_opt.data_dir)
args_opt.schema_dir = os.path.join(args_opt.data_path, args_opt.schema_dir)
args_opt.save_ckpt_path = os.path.join(args_opt.output_path, args_opt.save_ckpt_path)
args_opt.load_teacher_ckpt_path = os.path.join(_file_dir, args_opt.load_teacher_ckpt_path)
def run_general_distill():
run general distill
args_opt = get_argument()
context.set_context(mode=context.GRAPH_MODE, device_target=args_opt.device_target,
if args_opt.device_target == "Ascend":
@ -81,7 +117,7 @@ def run_general_distill():
device_num = D.get_group_size()
rank = D.get_rank()
save_ckpt_dir = save_ckpt_dir + '_ckpt_' + str(rank)
save_ckpt_dir = save_ckpt_dir + '_ckpt_' + str(rank)
context.set_auto_parallel_context(parallel_mode=ParallelMode.DATA_PARALLEL, gradients_mean=True,
@ -164,6 +200,7 @@ def run_general_distill():
dataset_sink_mode=(args_opt.enable_data_sink == "true"),
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
"""task distill script"""
import os
import time
import re
import argparse
import mindspore.common.dtype as mstype
from mindspore import context
from mindspore.train.model import Model
@ -29,9 +29,11 @@ from mindspore import log as logger
from src.dataset import create_tinybert_dataset, DataType
from src.utils import LossCallBack, ModelSaveCkpt, EvalCallBack, BertLearningRate
from src.assessment_method import Accuracy, F1
from src.td_config import phase1_cfg, phase2_cfg, eval_cfg, td_teacher_net_cfg, td_student_net_cfg
from src.tinybert_for_gd_td import BertEvaluationWithLossScaleCell, BertNetworkWithLoss_td, BertEvaluationCell
from src.tinybert_model import BertModelCLS, BertModelNER
from src.model_utils.config import config as args_opt, phase1_cfg, phase2_cfg, eval_cfg, td_teacher_net_cfg, td_student_net_cfg
from src.model_utils.moxing_adapter import moxing_wrapper
from src.model_utils.device_adapter import get_device_id, get_device_num
_cur_dir = os.getcwd()
td_phase1_save_ckpt_dir = os.path.join(_cur_dir, 'tinybert_td_phase1_save_ckpt')
@ -40,62 +42,9 @@ if not os.path.exists(td_phase1_save_ckpt_dir):
if not os.path.exists(td_phase2_save_ckpt_dir):
def parse_args():
parse args
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='tinybert task distill')
parser.add_argument("--device_target", type=str, default="Ascend", choices=['Ascend', 'GPU', 'CPU'],
help='device where the code will be implemented. (Default: Ascend)')
parser.add_argument("--do_train", type=str, default="true", choices=["true", "false"],
help="Do train task, default is true.")
parser.add_argument("--do_eval", type=str, default="true", choices=["true", "false"],
help="Do eval task, default is true.")
parser.add_argument("--td_phase1_epoch_size", type=int, default=10,
help="Epoch size for td phase 1, default is 10.")
parser.add_argument("--td_phase2_epoch_size", type=int, default=3, help="Epoch size for td phase 2, default is 3.")
parser.add_argument("--device_id", type=int, default=0, help="Device id, default is 0.")
parser.add_argument("--do_shuffle", type=str, default="true", choices=["true", "false"],
help="Enable shuffle for dataset, default is true.")
parser.add_argument("--enable_data_sink", type=str, default="true", choices=["true", "false"],
help="Enable data sink, default is true.")
parser.add_argument("--save_ckpt_step", type=int, default=100, help="Enable data sink, default is true.")
parser.add_argument("--max_ckpt_num", type=int, default=1, help="Enable data sink, default is true.")
parser.add_argument("--data_sink_steps", type=int, default=1, help="Sink steps for each epoch, default is 1.")
parser.add_argument("--load_teacher_ckpt_path", type=str, default="", help="Load checkpoint file path")
parser.add_argument("--load_gd_ckpt_path", type=str, default="", help="Load checkpoint file path")
parser.add_argument("--load_td1_ckpt_path", type=str, default="", help="Load checkpoint file path")
parser.add_argument("--train_data_dir", type=str, default="", help="Data path, it is better to use absolute path")
parser.add_argument("--eval_data_dir", type=str, default="", help="Data path, it is better to use absolute path")
parser.add_argument("--schema_dir", type=str, default="", help="Schema path, it is better to use absolute path")
parser.add_argument("--task_type", type=str, default="classification", choices=["classification", "ner"],
help="The type of the task to train.")
parser.add_argument("--task_name", type=str, default="", choices=["SST-2", "QNLI", "MNLI", "TNEWS", "CLUENER"],
help="The name of the task to train.")
parser.add_argument("--assessment_method", type=str, default="accuracy", choices=["accuracy", "bf1", "mf1"],
help="assessment_method include: [accuracy, bf1, mf1], default is accuracy")
parser.add_argument("--dataset_type", type=str, default="tfrecord",
help="dataset type tfrecord/mindrecord, default is tfrecord")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.do_train.lower() != "true" and args.do_eval.lower() != "true":
raise ValueError("do train or do eval must have one be true, please confirm your config")
if args.task_name in ["SST-2", "QNLI", "MNLI", "TNEWS"] and args.task_type != "classification":
raise ValueError(f"{args.task_name} is a classification dataset, please set --task_type=classification")
if args.task_name in ["CLUENER"] and args.task_type != "ner":
raise ValueError(f"{args.task_name} is a ner dataset, please set --task_type=ner")
if args.task_name in ["SST-2", "QNLI", "MNLI"] and \
(td_teacher_net_cfg.vocab_size != 30522 or td_student_net_cfg.vocab_size != 30522):
logger.warning(f"{args.task_name} is an English dataset. Usually, we use 21128 for CN vocabs and 30522 for "\
"EN vocabs according to the origin paper.")
if args.task_name in ["TNEWS", "CLUENER"] and \
(td_teacher_net_cfg.vocab_size != 21128 or td_student_net_cfg.vocab_size != 21128):
logger.warning(f"{args.task_name} is a Chinese dataset. Usually, we use 21128 for CN vocabs and 30522 for " \
"EN vocabs according to the origin paper.")
return args
enable_loss_scale = True
args_opt = parse_args()
if args_opt.dataset_type == "tfrecord":
dataset_type = DataType.TFRECORD
elif args_opt.dataset_type == "mindrecord":
@ -129,6 +78,8 @@ class Task:
if self.task_name in task_params and "seq_length" in task_params[self.task_name]:
return task_params[self.task_name]["seq_length"]
task = Task(args_opt.task_name)
@ -193,6 +144,7 @@ def run_predistill():
dataset_sink_mode=(args_opt.enable_data_sink == 'true'),
def run_task_distill(ckpt_file):
run task distill
@ -269,6 +221,7 @@ def run_task_distill(ckpt_file):
dataset_sink_mode=(args_opt.enable_data_sink == 'true'),
def eval_result_print(assessment_method="accuracy", callback=None):
"""print eval result"""
if assessment_method == "accuracy":
@ -282,6 +235,7 @@ def eval_result_print(assessment_method="accuracy", callback=None):
raise ValueError("Assessment method not supported, support: [accuracy, f1]")
def do_eval_standalone():
do eval standalone
@ -332,12 +286,96 @@ def do_eval_standalone():
if __name__ == '__main__':
def modelarts_pre_process():
'''modelarts pre process function.'''
global td_phase1_save_ckpt_dir
global td_phase2_save_ckpt_dir
def unzip(zip_file, save_dir):
import zipfile
s_time = time.time()
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(save_dir, args_opt.modelarts_dataset_unzip_name)):
zip_isexist = zipfile.is_zipfile(zip_file)
if zip_isexist:
fz = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file, 'r')
data_num = len(fz.namelist())
print("Extract Start...")
print("Unzip file num: {}".format(data_num))
data_print = int(data_num / 100) if data_num > 100 else 1
i = 0
for file in fz.namelist():
if i % data_print == 0:
print("Unzip percent: {}%".format(int(i * 100 / data_num)), flush=True)
i += 1
fz.extract(file, save_dir)
print("Cost time: {}min:{}s.".format(int((time.time() - s_time) / 60),
int(int(time.time() - s_time) % 60)))
print("Extract Done.")
print("This is not zip.")
print("Zip has been extracted.")
if args_opt.modelarts_dataset_unzip_name:
zip_file_1 = os.path.join(args_opt.data_path, args_opt.modelarts_dataset_unzip_name + ".zip")
save_dir_1 = os.path.join(args_opt.data_path)
sync_lock = "/tmp/unzip_sync.lock"
# Each server contains 8 devices as most.
if get_device_id() % min(get_device_num(), 8) == 0 and not os.path.exists(sync_lock):
print("Zip file path: ", zip_file_1)
print("Unzip file save dir: ", save_dir_1)
unzip(zip_file_1, save_dir_1)
print("===Finish extract data synchronization===")
except IOError:
while True:
if os.path.exists(sync_lock):
print("Device: {}, Finish sync unzip data from {} to {}.".format(get_device_id(), zip_file_1, save_dir_1))
_file_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
args_opt.device_id = get_device_id()
td_phase1_save_ckpt_dir = os.path.join(args_opt.output_path, 'tinybert_td_phase1_save_ckpt')
td_phase2_save_ckpt_dir = os.path.join(args_opt.output_path, 'tinybert_td_phase2_save_ckpt')
if not os.path.exists(td_phase1_save_ckpt_dir):
if not os.path.exists(td_phase2_save_ckpt_dir):
args_opt.load_teacher_ckpt_path = os.path.join(_file_dir, args_opt.load_teacher_ckpt_path)
args_opt.load_gd_ckpt_path = os.path.join(_file_dir, args_opt.load_gd_ckpt_path)
args_opt.train_data_dir = os.path.join(args_opt.data_path, args_opt.train_data_dir)
args_opt.schema_dir = os.path.join(args_opt.data_path, args_opt.schema_dir)
args_opt.eval_data_dir = os.path.join(args_opt.data_path, args_opt.eval_data_dir)
args_opt.load_td1_ckpt_path = os.path.join(_file_dir, args_opt.load_td1_ckpt_path)
def run_main():
"""task_distill function"""
global enable_loss_scale
if args_opt.do_train.lower() != "true" and args_opt.do_eval.lower() != "true":
raise ValueError("do train or do eval must have one be true, please confirm your config")
if args_opt.task_name in ["SST-2", "QNLI", "MNLI", "TNEWS"] and args_opt.task_type != "classification":
raise ValueError(f"{args_opt.task_name} is a classification dataset, please set --task_type=classification")
if args_opt.task_name in ["CLUENER"] and args_opt.task_type != "ner":
raise ValueError(f"{args_opt.task_name} is a ner dataset, please set --task_type=ner")
if args_opt.task_name in ["SST-2", "QNLI", "MNLI"] and \
(td_teacher_net_cfg.vocab_size != 30522 or td_student_net_cfg.vocab_size != 30522):
logger.warning(f"{args_opt.task_name} is an English dataset. Usually, we use 21128 for CN vocabs and 30522 for "
f"EN vocabs according to the origin paper.")
if args_opt.task_name in ["TNEWS", "CLUENER"] and \
(td_teacher_net_cfg.vocab_size != 21128 or td_student_net_cfg.vocab_size != 21128):
logger.warning(f"{args_opt.task_name} is a Chinese dataset. Usually, we use 21128 for CN vocabs and 30522 for "
f"EN vocabs according to the origin paper.")
context.set_context(mode=context.GRAPH_MODE, device_target=args_opt.device_target,
if args_opt.device_target == "Ascend":
enable_loss_scale = True
if args_opt.device_target == "GPU":
if td_student_net_cfg.compute_type != mstype.float32:
@ -363,7 +401,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
lists = os.listdir(td_phase1_save_ckpt_dir)
if lists:
lists.sort(key=lambda fn: os.path.getmtime(td_phase1_save_ckpt_dir+'/'+fn))
lists.sort(key=lambda fn: os.path.getmtime(td_phase1_save_ckpt_dir + '/' + fn))
name_ext = os.path.splitext(lists[-1])
if name_ext[-1] != ".ckpt":
raise ValueError("Invalid file, checkpoint file should be .ckpt file")
@ -374,3 +412,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
raise ValueError("Checkpoint file not exists, please make sure ckpt file has been saved")
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ do
export GLOG_logtostderr=0
env > env.log
taskset -c $cmdopt python ${PROJECT_DIR}/../run_general_distill.py \
--config_path="../../gd_config.yaml" \
--distribute="true" \
--device_target="Ascend" \
--epoch_size=$EPOCH_SIZE \

View File

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ PROJECT_DIR=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" || exit; pwd)
mpirun --allow-run-as-root -n $RANK_SIZE --output-filename log_output --merge-stderr-to-stdout \
python ${PROJECT_DIR}/../run_general_distill.py \
--config_path="../../gd_config.yaml" \
--distribute="true" \
--device_target="GPU" \
--epoch_size=$EPOCH_SIZE \

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ CUR_DIR=`pwd`
export GLOG_log_dir=${CUR_DIR}/ms_log
export GLOG_logtostderr=0
python ${PROJECT_DIR}/../run_general_distill.py \
--config_path="../../gd_config.yaml" \
--distribute="false" \
--device_target="Ascend" \
--epoch_size=3 \

View File

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ CUR_DIR=`pwd`
export GLOG_log_dir=${CUR_DIR}/ms_log
export GLOG_logtostderr=0
python ${PROJECT_DIR}/../run_task_distill.py \
--config_path="../../td_config/td_config_sst2.yaml" \
--device_target="Ascend" \
--device_id=0 \
--do_train="true" \

View File

@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
network config setting, will be used in dataset.py, run_general_distill.py and run_task_distill.py
from easydict import EasyDict as edict
import mindspore.common.dtype as mstype
from .tinybert_model import BertConfig
common_cfg = edict({
'batch_size': 32,
'loss_scale_value': 2 ** 16,
'scale_factor': 2,
'scale_window': 1000,
'AdamWeightDecay': edict({
'learning_rate': 5e-5,
'end_learning_rate': 1e-14,
'power': 1.0,
'weight_decay': 1e-4,
'eps': 1e-6,
'decay_filter': lambda x: 'layernorm' not in x.name.lower() and 'bias' not in x.name.lower(),
Including two kinds of network: \
teacher network: The BERT-base network.
student network: The network which is inherited from teacher network.
bert_teacher_net_cfg = BertConfig(
bert_student_net_cfg = BertConfig(

View File

@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
# Copyright 2021 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Parse arguments"""
import os
import ast
import argparse
from pprint import pformat
import yaml
import mindspore.common.dtype as mstype
from src.tinybert_model import BertConfig
class Config:
Configuration namespace. Convert dictionary to members.
def __init__(self, cfg_dict):
for k, v in cfg_dict.items():
if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)):
setattr(self, k, [Config(x) if isinstance(x, dict) else x for x in v])
setattr(self, k, Config(v) if isinstance(v, dict) else v)
def __str__(self):
return pformat(self.__dict__)
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def parse_cli_to_yaml(parser, cfg, helper=None, choices=None, cfg_path="pretrain_base_config.yaml"):
Parse command line arguments to the configuration according to the default yaml.
parser: Parent parser.
cfg: Base configuration.
helper: Helper description.
cfg_path: Path to the default yaml config.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="[REPLACE THIS at config.py]",
helper = {} if helper is None else helper
choices = {} if choices is None else choices
for item in cfg:
if not isinstance(cfg[item], list) and not isinstance(cfg[item], dict):
help_description = helper[item] if item in helper else "Please reference to {}".format(cfg_path)
choice = choices[item] if item in choices else None
if isinstance(cfg[item], bool):
parser.add_argument("--" + item, type=ast.literal_eval, default=cfg[item], choices=choice,
parser.add_argument("--" + item, type=type(cfg[item]), default=cfg[item], choices=choice,
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
def parse_yaml(yaml_path):
Parse the yaml config file.
yaml_path: Path to the yaml config.
with open(yaml_path, 'r') as fin:
cfgs = yaml.load_all(fin.read(), Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
cfgs = [x for x in cfgs]
if len(cfgs) == 1:
cfg_helper = {}
cfg = cfgs[0]
cfg_choices = {}
elif len(cfgs) == 2:
cfg, cfg_helper = cfgs
cfg_choices = {}
elif len(cfgs) == 3:
cfg, cfg_helper, cfg_choices = cfgs
raise ValueError("At most 3 docs (config, description for help, choices) are supported in config yaml")
# print(cfg_helper)
raise ValueError("Failed to parse yaml")
return cfg, cfg_helper, cfg_choices
def merge(args, cfg):
Merge the base config from yaml file and command line arguments.
args: Command line arguments.
cfg: Base configuration.
args_var = vars(args)
for item in args_var:
cfg[item] = args_var[item]
return cfg
def extra_operations(cfg):
Do extra work on config
config: Object after instantiation of class 'Config'.
def create_filter_fun(keywords):
return lambda x: not (True in [key in x.name.lower() for key in keywords])
if cfg.description == 'general_distill':
cfg.common_cfg.loss_scale_value = 2 ** 16
cfg.common_cfg.AdamWeightDecay.decay_filter = create_filter_fun(cfg.common_cfg.AdamWeightDecay.decay_filter)
cfg.bert_teacher_net_cfg.dtype = mstype.float32
cfg.bert_teacher_net_cfg.compute_type = mstype.float16
cfg.bert_student_net_cfg.dtype = mstype.float32
cfg.bert_student_net_cfg.compute_type = mstype.float16
cfg.bert_teacher_net_cfg = BertConfig(**cfg.bert_teacher_net_cfg.__dict__)
cfg.bert_student_net_cfg = BertConfig(**cfg.bert_student_net_cfg.__dict__)
elif cfg.description == 'task_distill':
cfg.phase1_cfg.loss_scale_value = 2 ** 8
cfg.phase1_cfg.optimizer_cfg.AdamWeightDecay.decay_filter = create_filter_fun(
cfg.phase2_cfg.loss_scale_value = 2 ** 16
cfg.phase2_cfg.optimizer_cfg.AdamWeightDecay.decay_filter = create_filter_fun(
cfg.td_teacher_net_cfg.dtype = mstype.float32
cfg.td_teacher_net_cfg.compute_type = mstype.float16
cfg.td_student_net_cfg.dtype = mstype.float32
cfg.td_student_net_cfg.compute_type = mstype.float16
cfg.td_teacher_net_cfg = BertConfig(**cfg.td_teacher_net_cfg.__dict__)
cfg.td_student_net_cfg = BertConfig(**cfg.td_student_net_cfg.__dict__)
def get_config():
Get Config according to the yaml file and cli arguments.
def get_abs_path(path_relative):
current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
return os.path.join(current_dir, path_relative)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="default name", add_help=False)
parser.add_argument("--config_path", type=get_abs_path, default="../../gd_config.yaml",
help="Config file path")
path_args, _ = parser.parse_known_args()
default, helper, choices = parse_yaml(path_args.config_path)
# pprint(default)
args = parse_cli_to_yaml(parser=parser, cfg=default, helper=helper, choices=choices, cfg_path=path_args.config_path)
final_config = merge(args, default)
config_obj = Config(final_config)
return config_obj
config = get_config()
# td_teacher_net_cfg = config.td_teacher_net_cfg
# td_student_net_cfg = config.td_student_net_cfg
if config.description == 'general_distill':
common_cfg = config.common_cfg
bert_teacher_net_cfg = config.bert_teacher_net_cfg
bert_student_net_cfg = config.bert_student_net_cfg
elif config.description == 'task_distill':
phase1_cfg = config.phase1_cfg
phase2_cfg = config.phase2_cfg
eval_cfg = config.eval_cfg
td_teacher_net_cfg = config.td_teacher_net_cfg
td_student_net_cfg = config.td_student_net_cfg
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
# Copyright 2021 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Device adapter for ModelArts"""
from src.model_utils.config import config
if config.enable_modelarts:
from src.model_utils.moxing_adapter import get_device_id, get_device_num, get_rank_id, get_job_id
from src.model_utils.local_adapter import get_device_id, get_device_num, get_rank_id, get_job_id
__all__ = [
"get_device_id", "get_device_num", "get_rank_id", "get_job_id"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# Copyright 2021 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Local adapter"""
import os
def get_device_id():
device_id = os.getenv('DEVICE_ID', '0')
return int(device_id)
def get_device_num():
device_num = os.getenv('RANK_SIZE', '1')
return int(device_num)
def get_rank_id():
global_rank_id = os.getenv('RANK_ID', '0')
return int(global_rank_id)
def get_job_id():
return "Local Job"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
# Copyright 2021 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Moxing adapter for ModelArts"""
import os
import functools
from mindspore import context
from mindspore.profiler import Profiler
from src.model_utils.config import config
_global_sync_count = 0
def get_device_id():
device_id = os.getenv('DEVICE_ID', '0')
return int(device_id)
def get_device_num():
device_num = os.getenv('RANK_SIZE', '1')
return int(device_num)
def get_rank_id():
global_rank_id = os.getenv('RANK_ID', '0')
return int(global_rank_id)
def get_job_id():
job_id = os.getenv('JOB_ID')
job_id = job_id if job_id != "" else "default"
return job_id
def sync_data(from_path, to_path):
Download data from remote obs to local directory if the first url is remote url and the second one is local path
Upload data from local directory to remote obs in contrast.
import moxing as mox
import time
global _global_sync_count
sync_lock = "/tmp/copy_sync.lock" + str(_global_sync_count)
_global_sync_count += 1
# Each server contains 8 devices as most.
if get_device_id() % min(get_device_num(), 8) == 0 and not os.path.exists(sync_lock):
print("from path: ", from_path)
print("to path: ", to_path)
mox.file.copy_parallel(from_path, to_path)
print("===finish data synchronization===")
# print("os.mknod({}) success".format(sync_lock))
except IOError:
print("===save flag===")
while True:
if os.path.exists(sync_lock):
print("Finish sync data from {} to {}.".format(from_path, to_path))
def moxing_wrapper(pre_process=None, post_process=None):
Moxing wrapper to download dataset and upload outputs.
def wrapper(run_func):
def wrapped_func(*args, **kwargs):
# Download data from data_url
if config.enable_modelarts:
if config.data_url:
sync_data(config.data_url, config.data_path)
print("Dataset downloaded: ", os.listdir(config.data_path))
if config.checkpoint_url:
sync_data(config.checkpoint_url, config.load_path)
print("Preload downloaded: ", os.listdir(config.load_path))
if config.train_url:
sync_data(config.train_url, config.output_path)
print("Workspace downloaded: ", os.listdir(config.output_path))
context.set_context(save_graphs_path=os.path.join(config.output_path, str(get_rank_id())))
config.device_num = get_device_num()
config.device_id = get_device_id()
if not os.path.exists(config.output_path):
if pre_process:
if config.enable_profiling:
profiler = Profiler()
run_func(*args, **kwargs)
if config.enable_profiling:
# Upload data to train_url
if config.enable_modelarts:
if post_process:
if config.train_url:
print("Start to copy output directory")
sync_data(config.output_path, config.train_url)
return wrapped_func
return wrapper

View File

@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""config script for task distill"""
from easydict import EasyDict as edict
import mindspore.common.dtype as mstype
from .tinybert_model import BertConfig
phase1_cfg = edict({
'batch_size': 32,
'loss_scale_value': 2 ** 8,
'scale_factor': 2,
'scale_window': 50,
'optimizer_cfg': edict({
'AdamWeightDecay': edict({
'learning_rate': 5e-5,
'end_learning_rate': 1e-14,
'power': 1.0,
'weight_decay': 1e-4,
'eps': 1e-6,
'decay_filter': lambda x: 'layernorm' not in x.name.lower() and 'bias' not in x.name.lower(),
phase2_cfg = edict({
'batch_size': 32,
'loss_scale_value': 2 ** 16,
'scale_factor': 2,
'scale_window': 50,
'optimizer_cfg': edict({
'AdamWeightDecay': edict({
'learning_rate': 2e-5,
'end_learning_rate': 1e-14,
'power': 1.0,
'weight_decay': 1e-4,
'eps': 1e-6,
'decay_filter': lambda x: 'layernorm' not in x.name.lower() and 'bias' not in x.name.lower(),
eval_cfg = edict({
'batch_size': 32,
Including two kinds of network: \
teacher network: The BERT-base network with finetune.
student network: The model which is produced by GD phase.
td_teacher_net_cfg = BertConfig(
td_student_net_cfg = BertConfig(

View File

@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
# Builtin Configurations(DO NOT CHANGE THESE CONFIGURATIONS unless you know exactly what you are doing)
enable_modelarts: False
# Url for modelarts
data_url: ""
train_url: ""
checkpoint_url: ""
# Path for local
data_path: "/cache/data"
output_path: "/cache/train"
load_path: "/cache/checkpoint_path"
device_target: "Ascend"
enable_profiling: False
modelarts_dataset_unzip_name: ''
folder_name_under_zip_file: ''
# ==============================================================================
description: 'task_distill'
task_type: "classification"
task_name: ""
device_id: 0
# task_distill related
do_train: "true"
do_eval: "true"
td_phase1_epoch_size: 10
td_phase2_epoch_size: 3
do_shuffle: "true"
enable_data_sink: "true"
save_ckpt_step: 100
max_ckpt_num: 1
data_sink_steps: 1
load_teacher_ckpt_path: ""
load_gd_ckpt_path: ""
load_td1_ckpt_path: ""
train_data_dir: ""
eval_data_dir: ""
schema_dir: ""
assessment_method: "accuracy"
dataset_type: "tfrecord"
# export related
ckpt_file: ''
file_name: "tinybert"
file_format: "AIR"
# postprocess related
result_path: "./result_Files"
label_path: "./preprocess_Result/label_ids.npy"
batch_size: 32
loss_scale_value: 256
scale_factor: 2
scale_window: 50
learning_rate: 0.00005 # 5e-5
end_learning_rate: 0.00000000000001 # 1e-14
power: 1.0
weight_decay: 0.0001 # 1e-4
eps: 0.000001 # 1e-6
decay_filter: ['layernorm', 'bias']
batch_size: 32
loss_scale_value: 65536
scale_factor: 2
scale_window: 50
learning_rate: 0.00002 # 5e-5
end_learning_rate: 0.00000000000001 # 1e-14
power: 1.0
weight_decay: 0.0001 # 1e-4
eps: 0.000001 # 1e-6
decay_filter: ['layernorm', 'bias']
batch_size: 32
seq_length: 128
vocab_size: 21128
hidden_size: 768
num_hidden_layers: 12
num_attention_heads: 12
intermediate_size: 3072
hidden_act: "gelu"
hidden_dropout_prob: 0.1
attention_probs_dropout_prob: 0.1
max_position_embeddings: 512
type_vocab_size: 2
initializer_range: 0.02
use_relative_positions: False
dtype: mstype.float32
compute_type: mstype.float16
seq_length: 128
vocab_size: 21128
hidden_size: 384
num_hidden_layers: 4
num_attention_heads: 12
intermediate_size: 1536
hidden_act: "gelu"
hidden_dropout_prob: 0.1
attention_probs_dropout_prob: 0.1
max_position_embeddings: 512
type_vocab_size: 2
initializer_range: 0.02
use_relative_positions: False
dtype: mstype.float32
compute_type: mstype.float16
# Help description for each configuration
enable_modelarts: "Whether training on modelarts, default: False"
data_url: "Url for modelarts"
train_url: "Url for modelarts"
data_path: "The location of the input data."
output_path: "The location of the output file."
device_target: "Running platform, choose from Ascend, GPU or CPU, and default is Ascend."
enable_profiling: 'Whether enable profiling while training, default: False'
modelarts_dataset_unzip_name: ''
folder_name_under_zip_file: ''
# task_distill related
do_train: "Do train task, default is true."
do_eval: "Do eval task, default is true."
td_phase1_epoch_size: "Epoch size for td phase 1, default is 10."
td_phase2_epoch_size: "Epoch size for td phase 2, default is 3."
device_id: "Device id, default is 0."
do_shuffle: "Enable shuffle for dataset, default is true."
enable_data_sink: "Enable data sink, default is true."
save_ckpt_step: ""
max_ckpt_num: "Enable data sink, default is true."
data_sink_steps: "Sink steps for each epoch, default is 1."
load_teacher_ckpt_path: "Load checkpoint file path"
load_gd_ckpt_path: "Load checkpoint file path"
load_td1_ckpt_path: "Load checkpoint file path"
train_data_dir: "Data path, it is better to use absolute path"
eval_data_dir: "Data path, it is better to use absolute path"
schema_dir: "Schema path, it is better to use absolute path"
task_type: "The type of the task to train."
task_name: "The name of the task to train."
assessment_method: "assessment_method include: [accuracy, bf1, mf1], default is accuracy"
dataset_type: "dataset type tfrecord/mindrecord, default is tfrecord"
# export related
ckpt_file: "tinybert ckpt file."
file_name: "output file name."
file_format: "file format"
# postprocess related
result_path: "result path"
label_path: "label path"
device_target: ['Ascend', 'GPU', 'CPU']
do_train: ["true", "false"]
do_eval: ["true", "false"]
do_shuffle: ["true", "false"]
enable_data_sink: ["true", "false"]
task_type: ["classification", "ner"]
task_name: ["SST-2", "QNLI", "MNLI", "TNEWS", "CLUENER"]
assessment_method: ["accuracy", "bf1", "mf1"]
file_format: ["AIR", "ONNX", "MINDIR"]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
# Builtin Configurations(DO NOT CHANGE THESE CONFIGURATIONS unless you know exactly what you are doing)
enable_modelarts: False
# Url for modelarts
data_url: ""
train_url: ""
checkpoint_url: ""
# Path for local
data_path: "/cache/data"
output_path: "/cache/train"
load_path: "/cache/checkpoint_path"
device_target: "Ascend"
enable_profiling: False
modelarts_dataset_unzip_name: ''
folder_name_under_zip_file: ''
# ==============================================================================
description: 'task_distill'
task_type: "classification"
task_name: ""
device_id: 0
# task_distill related
do_train: "true"
do_eval: "true"
td_phase1_epoch_size: 10
td_phase2_epoch_size: 3
do_shuffle: "true"
enable_data_sink: "true"
save_ckpt_step: 100
max_ckpt_num: 1
data_sink_steps: 1
load_teacher_ckpt_path: ""
load_gd_ckpt_path: ""
load_td1_ckpt_path: ""
train_data_dir: ""
eval_data_dir: ""
schema_dir: ""
assessment_method: "accuracy"
dataset_type: "tfrecord"
# export related
ckpt_file: ''
file_name: "tinybert"
file_format: "AIR"
# postprocess related
result_path: "./result_Files"
label_path: "./preprocess_Result/label_ids.npy"
batch_size: 32
loss_scale_value: 256
scale_factor: 2
scale_window: 50
learning_rate: 0.00005 # 5e-5
end_learning_rate: 0.0 # 0.0
power: 1.0
weight_decay: 0.0001 # 1e-4
eps: 0.000001 # 1e-6
decay_filter: ['layernorm', 'bias']
batch_size: 32
loss_scale_value: 65536
scale_factor: 2
scale_window: 50
learning_rate: 0.00002 # 5e-5
end_learning_rate: 0.0 # 0.0
power: 1.0
weight_decay: 0.0001 # 1e-4
eps: 0.000001 # 1e-6
decay_filter: ['layernorm', 'bias']
batch_size: 32
seq_length: 128
vocab_size: 30522
hidden_size: 768
num_hidden_layers: 12
num_attention_heads: 12
intermediate_size: 3072
hidden_act: "gelu"
hidden_dropout_prob: 0.1
attention_probs_dropout_prob: 0.1
max_position_embeddings: 512
type_vocab_size: 2
initializer_range: 0.02
use_relative_positions: False
dtype: mstype.float32
compute_type: mstype.float16
seq_length: 128
vocab_size: 30522
hidden_size: 384
num_hidden_layers: 4
num_attention_heads: 12
intermediate_size: 1536
hidden_act: "gelu"
hidden_dropout_prob: 0.1
attention_probs_dropout_prob: 0.1
max_position_embeddings: 512
type_vocab_size: 2
initializer_range: 0.02
use_relative_positions: False
dtype: mstype.float32
compute_type: mstype.float16
# Help description for each configuration
enable_modelarts: "Whether training on modelarts, default: False"
data_url: "Url for modelarts"
train_url: "Url for modelarts"
data_path: "The location of the input data."
output_path: "The location of the output file."
device_target: "Running platform, choose from Ascend, GPU or CPU, and default is Ascend."
enable_profiling: 'Whether enable profiling while training, default: False'
modelarts_dataset_unzip_name: ''
folder_name_under_zip_file: ''
# task_distill related
do_train: "Do train task, default is true."
do_eval: "Do eval task, default is true."
td_phase1_epoch_size: "Epoch size for td phase 1, default is 10."
td_phase2_epoch_size: "Epoch size for td phase 2, default is 3."
device_id: "Device id, default is 0."
do_shuffle: "Enable shuffle for dataset, default is true."
enable_data_sink: "Enable data sink, default is true."
save_ckpt_step: ""
max_ckpt_num: "Enable data sink, default is true."
data_sink_steps: "Sink steps for each epoch, default is 1."
load_teacher_ckpt_path: "Load checkpoint file path"
load_gd_ckpt_path: "Load checkpoint file path"
load_td1_ckpt_path: "Load checkpoint file path"
train_data_dir: "Data path, it is better to use absolute path"
eval_data_dir: "Data path, it is better to use absolute path"
schema_dir: "Schema path, it is better to use absolute path"
task_type: "The type of the task to train."
task_name: "The name of the task to train."
assessment_method: "assessment_method include: [accuracy, bf1, mf1], default is accuracy"
dataset_type: "dataset type tfrecord/mindrecord, default is tfrecord"
# export related
ckpt_file: "tinybert ckpt file."
file_name: "output file name."
file_format: "file format"
# postprocess related
result_path: "result path"
label_path: "label path"
device_target: ['Ascend', 'GPU', 'CPU']
do_train: ["true", "false"]
do_eval: ["true", "false"]
do_shuffle: ["true", "false"]
enable_data_sink: ["true", "false"]
task_type: ["classification", "ner"]
task_name: ["SST-2", "QNLI", "MNLI", "TNEWS", "CLUENER"]
assessment_method: ["accuracy", "bf1", "mf1"]
file_format: ["AIR", "ONNX", "MINDIR"]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
# Builtin Configurations(DO NOT CHANGE THESE CONFIGURATIONS unless you know exactly what you are doing)
enable_modelarts: False
# Url for modelarts
data_url: ""
train_url: ""
checkpoint_url: ""
# Path for local
data_path: "/cache/data"
output_path: "/cache/train"
load_path: "/cache/checkpoint_path"
device_target: "Ascend"
enable_profiling: False
modelarts_dataset_unzip_name: ''
folder_name_under_zip_file: ''
# ==============================================================================
description: 'task_distill'
task_type: "classification"
task_name: ""
device_id: 0
# task_distill related
do_train: "true"
do_eval: "true"
td_phase1_epoch_size: 10
td_phase2_epoch_size: 3
do_shuffle: "true"
enable_data_sink: "true"
save_ckpt_step: 100
max_ckpt_num: 1
data_sink_steps: 1
load_teacher_ckpt_path: ""
load_gd_ckpt_path: ""
load_td1_ckpt_path: ""
train_data_dir: ""
eval_data_dir: ""
schema_dir: ""
assessment_method: "accuracy"
dataset_type: "tfrecord"
# export related
ckpt_file: ''
file_name: "tinybert"
file_format: "AIR"
# postprocess related
result_path: "./result_Files"
label_path: "./preprocess_Result/label_ids.npy"
batch_size: 32
loss_scale_value: 256
scale_factor: 2
scale_window: 50
learning_rate: 0.00005 # 5e-5
end_learning_rate: 0.00000000000001 # 1e-14
power: 1.0
weight_decay: 0.0001 # 1e-4
eps: 0.000001 # 1e-6
decay_filter: ['layernorm', 'bias']
batch_size: 32
loss_scale_value: 65536
scale_factor: 2
scale_window: 50
learning_rate: 0.00002 # 5e-5
end_learning_rate: 0.00000000000001 # 1e-14
power: 1.0
weight_decay: 0.0001 # 1e-4
eps: 0.000001 # 1e-6
decay_filter: ['layernorm', 'bias']
batch_size: 32
seq_length: 128
vocab_size: 21128
hidden_size: 768
num_hidden_layers: 12
num_attention_heads: 12
intermediate_size: 3072
hidden_act: "gelu"
hidden_dropout_prob: 0.1
attention_probs_dropout_prob: 0.1
max_position_embeddings: 512
type_vocab_size: 2
initializer_range: 0.02
use_relative_positions: False
dtype: mstype.float32
compute_type: mstype.float16
seq_length: 128
vocab_size: 21128
hidden_size: 384
num_hidden_layers: 4
num_attention_heads: 12
intermediate_size: 1536
hidden_act: "gelu"
hidden_dropout_prob: 0.1
attention_probs_dropout_prob: 0.1
max_position_embeddings: 512
type_vocab_size: 2
initializer_range: 0.02
use_relative_positions: False
dtype: mstype.float32
compute_type: mstype.float16
# Help description for each configuration
enable_modelarts: "Whether training on modelarts, default: False"
data_url: "Url for modelarts"
train_url: "Url for modelarts"
data_path: "The location of the input data."
output_path: "The location of the output file."
device_target: "Running platform, choose from Ascend, GPU or CPU, and default is Ascend."
enable_profiling: 'Whether enable profiling while training, default: False'
modelarts_dataset_unzip_name: ''
folder_name_under_zip_file: ''
# task_distill related
do_train: "Do train task, default is true."
do_eval: "Do eval task, default is true."
td_phase1_epoch_size: "Epoch size for td phase 1, default is 10."
td_phase2_epoch_size: "Epoch size for td phase 2, default is 3."
device_id: "Device id, default is 0."
do_shuffle: "Enable shuffle for dataset, default is true."
enable_data_sink: "Enable data sink, default is true."
save_ckpt_step: ""
max_ckpt_num: "Enable data sink, default is true."
data_sink_steps: "Sink steps for each epoch, default is 1."
load_teacher_ckpt_path: "Load checkpoint file path"
load_gd_ckpt_path: "Load checkpoint file path"
load_td1_ckpt_path: "Load checkpoint file path"
train_data_dir: "Data path, it is better to use absolute path"
eval_data_dir: "Data path, it is better to use absolute path"
schema_dir: "Schema path, it is better to use absolute path"
task_type: "The type of the task to train."
task_name: "The name of the task to train."
assessment_method: "assessment_method include: [accuracy, bf1, mf1], default is accuracy"
dataset_type: "dataset type tfrecord/mindrecord, default is tfrecord"
# export related
ckpt_file: "tinybert ckpt file."
file_name: "output file name."
file_format: "file format"
# postprocess related
result_path: "result path"
label_path: "label path"
device_target: ['Ascend', 'GPU', 'CPU']
do_train: ["true", "false"]
do_eval: ["true", "false"]
do_shuffle: ["true", "false"]
enable_data_sink: ["true", "false"]
task_type: ["classification", "ner"]
task_name: ["SST-2", "QNLI", "MNLI", "TNEWS", "CLUENER"]
assessment_method: ["accuracy", "bf1", "mf1"]
file_format: ["AIR", "ONNX", "MINDIR"]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
# Builtin Configurations(DO NOT CHANGE THESE CONFIGURATIONS unless you know exactly what you are doing)
enable_modelarts: False
# Url for modelarts
data_url: ""
train_url: ""
checkpoint_url: ""
# Path for local
data_path: "/cache/data"
output_path: "/cache/train"
load_path: "/cache/checkpoint_path"
device_target: "Ascend"
enable_profiling: False
modelarts_dataset_unzip_name: ''
folder_name_under_zip_file: ''
# ==============================================================================
description: 'task_distill'
task_type: "classification"
task_name: ""
device_id: 0
# task_distill related
do_train: "true"
do_eval: "true"
td_phase1_epoch_size: 10
td_phase2_epoch_size: 3
do_shuffle: "true"
enable_data_sink: "true"
save_ckpt_step: 100
max_ckpt_num: 1
data_sink_steps: 1
load_teacher_ckpt_path: ""
load_gd_ckpt_path: ""
load_td1_ckpt_path: ""
train_data_dir: ""
eval_data_dir: ""
schema_dir: ""
assessment_method: "accuracy"
dataset_type: "tfrecord"
# export related
ckpt_file: ''
file_name: "tinybert"
file_format: "AIR"
# postprocess related
result_path: "./result_Files"
label_path: "./preprocess_Result/label_ids.npy"
batch_size: 32
loss_scale_value: 256
scale_factor: 2
scale_window: 50
learning_rate: 0.00005 # 5e-5
end_learning_rate: 0.0 # 0.0
power: 1.0
weight_decay: 0.0001 # 1e-4
eps: 0.000001 # 1e-6
decay_filter: ['layernorm', 'bias']
batch_size: 32
loss_scale_value: 65536
scale_factor: 2
scale_window: 50
learning_rate: 0.00002 # 5e-5
end_learning_rate: 0.0 # 0.0
power: 1.0
weight_decay: 0.0001 # 1e-4
eps: 0.000001 # 1e-6
decay_filter: ['layernorm', 'bias']
batch_size: 32
seq_length: 128
vocab_size: 30522
hidden_size: 768
num_hidden_layers: 12
num_attention_heads: 12
intermediate_size: 3072
hidden_act: "gelu"
hidden_dropout_prob: 0.1
attention_probs_dropout_prob: 0.1
max_position_embeddings: 512
type_vocab_size: 2
initializer_range: 0.02
use_relative_positions: False
dtype: mstype.float32
compute_type: mstype.float16
seq_length: 128
vocab_size: 30522
hidden_size: 384
num_hidden_layers: 4
num_attention_heads: 12
intermediate_size: 1536
hidden_act: "gelu"
hidden_dropout_prob: 0.1
attention_probs_dropout_prob: 0.1
max_position_embeddings: 512
type_vocab_size: 2
initializer_range: 0.02
use_relative_positions: False
dtype: mstype.float32
compute_type: mstype.float16
# Help description for each configuration
enable_modelarts: "Whether training on modelarts, default: False"
data_url: "Url for modelarts"
train_url: "Url for modelarts"
data_path: "The location of the input data."
output_path: "The location of the output file."
device_target: "Running platform, choose from Ascend, GPU or CPU, and default is Ascend."
enable_profiling: 'Whether enable profiling while training, default: False'
modelarts_dataset_unzip_name: ''
folder_name_under_zip_file: ''
# task_distill related
do_train: "Do train task, default is true."
do_eval: "Do eval task, default is true."
td_phase1_epoch_size: "Epoch size for td phase 1, default is 10."
td_phase2_epoch_size: "Epoch size for td phase 2, default is 3."
device_id: "Device id, default is 0."
do_shuffle: "Enable shuffle for dataset, default is true."
enable_data_sink: "Enable data sink, default is true."
save_ckpt_step: ""
max_ckpt_num: "Enable data sink, default is true."
data_sink_steps: "Sink steps for each epoch, default is 1."
load_teacher_ckpt_path: "Load checkpoint file path"
load_gd_ckpt_path: "Load checkpoint file path"
load_td1_ckpt_path: "Load checkpoint file path"
train_data_dir: "Data path, it is better to use absolute path"
eval_data_dir: "Data path, it is better to use absolute path"
schema_dir: "Schema path, it is better to use absolute path"
task_type: "The type of the task to train."
task_name: "The name of the task to train."
assessment_method: "assessment_method include: [accuracy, bf1, mf1], default is accuracy"
dataset_type: "dataset type tfrecord/mindrecord, default is tfrecord"
# export related
ckpt_file: "tinybert ckpt file."
file_name: "output file name."
file_format: "file format"
# postprocess related
result_path: "result path"
label_path: "label path"
device_target: ['Ascend', 'GPU', 'CPU']
do_train: ["true", "false"]
do_eval: ["true", "false"]
do_shuffle: ["true", "false"]
enable_data_sink: ["true", "false"]
task_type: ["classification", "ner"]
task_name: ["SST-2", "QNLI", "MNLI", "TNEWS", "CLUENER"]
assessment_method: ["accuracy", "bf1", "mf1"]
file_format: ["AIR", "ONNX", "MINDIR"]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
# Builtin Configurations(DO NOT CHANGE THESE CONFIGURATIONS unless you know exactly what you are doing)
enable_modelarts: False
# Url for modelarts
data_url: ""
train_url: ""
checkpoint_url: ""
# Path for local
data_path: "/cache/data"
output_path: "/cache/train"
load_path: "/cache/checkpoint_path"
device_target: "Ascend"
enable_profiling: False
modelarts_dataset_unzip_name: ''
folder_name_under_zip_file: ''
# ==============================================================================
description: 'task_distill'
task_type: "classification"
task_name: ""
device_id: 0
# task_distill related
do_train: "true"
do_eval: "true"
td_phase1_epoch_size: 10
td_phase2_epoch_size: 3
do_shuffle: "true"
enable_data_sink: "true"
save_ckpt_step: 100
max_ckpt_num: 1
data_sink_steps: 1
load_teacher_ckpt_path: ""
load_gd_ckpt_path: ""
load_td1_ckpt_path: ""
train_data_dir: ""
eval_data_dir: ""
schema_dir: ""
assessment_method: "accuracy"
dataset_type: "tfrecord"
# export related
ckpt_file: ''
file_name: "tinybert"
file_format: "AIR"
# postprocess related
result_path: "./result_Files"
label_path: "./preprocess_Result/label_ids.npy"
batch_size: 32
loss_scale_value: 256
scale_factor: 2
scale_window: 50
learning_rate: 0.00005 # 5e-5
end_learning_rate: 0.0 # 0.0
power: 1.0
weight_decay: 0.0001 # 1e-4
eps: 0.000001 # 1e-6
decay_filter: ['layernorm', 'bias']
batch_size: 32
loss_scale_value: 65536
scale_factor: 2
scale_window: 50
learning_rate: 0.00002 # 5e-5
end_learning_rate: 0.0 # 0.0
power: 1.0
weight_decay: 0.0001 # 1e-4
eps: 0.000001 # 1e-6
decay_filter: ['layernorm', 'bias']
batch_size: 32
seq_length: 64
vocab_size: 30522
hidden_size: 768
num_hidden_layers: 12
num_attention_heads: 12
intermediate_size: 3072
hidden_act: "gelu"
hidden_dropout_prob: 0.1
attention_probs_dropout_prob: 0.1
max_position_embeddings: 512
type_vocab_size: 2
initializer_range: 0.02
use_relative_positions: False
dtype: mstype.float32
compute_type: mstype.float16
seq_length: 64
vocab_size: 30522
hidden_size: 384
num_hidden_layers: 4
num_attention_heads: 12
intermediate_size: 1536
hidden_act: "gelu"
hidden_dropout_prob: 0.1
attention_probs_dropout_prob: 0.1
max_position_embeddings: 512
type_vocab_size: 2
initializer_range: 0.02
use_relative_positions: False
dtype: mstype.float32
compute_type: mstype.float16
# Help description for each configuration
enable_modelarts: "Whether training on modelarts, default: False"
data_url: "Url for modelarts"
train_url: "Url for modelarts"
data_path: "The location of the input data."
output_path: "The location of the output file."
device_target: "Running platform, choose from Ascend, GPU or CPU, and default is Ascend."
enable_profiling: 'Whether enable profiling while training, default: False'
modelarts_dataset_unzip_name: ''
folder_name_under_zip_file: ''
# task_distill related
do_train: "Do train task, default is true."
do_eval: "Do eval task, default is true."
td_phase1_epoch_size: "Epoch size for td phase 1, default is 10."
td_phase2_epoch_size: "Epoch size for td phase 2, default is 3."
device_id: "Device id, default is 0."
do_shuffle: "Enable shuffle for dataset, default is true."
enable_data_sink: "Enable data sink, default is true."
save_ckpt_step: ""
max_ckpt_num: "Enable data sink, default is true."
data_sink_steps: "Sink steps for each epoch, default is 1."
load_teacher_ckpt_path: "Load checkpoint file path"
load_gd_ckpt_path: "Load checkpoint file path"
load_td1_ckpt_path: "Load checkpoint file path"
train_data_dir: "Data path, it is better to use absolute path"
eval_data_dir: "Data path, it is better to use absolute path"
schema_dir: "Schema path, it is better to use absolute path"
task_type: "The type of the task to train."
task_name: "The name of the task to train."
assessment_method: "assessment_method include: [accuracy, bf1, mf1], default is accuracy"
dataset_type: "dataset type tfrecord/mindrecord, default is tfrecord"
# export related
ckpt_file: "tinybert ckpt file."
file_name: "output file name."
file_format: "file format"
# postprocess related
result_path: "result path"
label_path: "label path"
device_target: ['Ascend', 'GPU', 'CPU']
do_train: ["true", "false"]
do_eval: ["true", "false"]
do_shuffle: ["true", "false"]
enable_data_sink: ["true", "false"]
task_type: ["classification", "ner"]
task_name: ["SST-2", "QNLI", "MNLI", "TNEWS", "CLUENER"]
assessment_method: ["accuracy", "bf1", "mf1"]
file_format: ["AIR", "ONNX", "MINDIR"]