1953 lines
61 KiB
Protocol Buffer
1953 lines
61 KiB
Protocol Buffer
syntax = "proto3";
package openstack;
option go_package = "/openstack";
/******************List servers Start*************************/
message ListServersReq{
int32 limit = 1; // @gotags: copier:"Limit"
int32 offset = 2; // @gotags: copier:"Offset"
/*string access_ip_v4 = 1; // 按应使用的 IPv4 地址筛选服务器列表结果 以访问服务器 @gotags: copier:"accessIpV4"
string access_ip_v6 = 2; //按应使用的 IPv6 地址筛选服务器列表结果 以访问服务器。@gotags: copier:"Limit"
bool all_tenants = 3; //指定查询参数以列出所有实例 适用于所有项目 @gotags: copier:"Offset"
string auto_disk_config =4; //通过服务器的设置过滤服务器列表结果 @gotags: copier:"ModelArtsType"
string availability_zone =5;// 按服务器可用性区域筛选服务器列表结果 @gotags: copier:"ModelArtsType"
string changes_since =6 [json_name="changes-since"]; // 按服务器上次使用的日期和时间戳筛选响应 状态已更改 @gotags: copier:"ModelArtsType"
string config_drive =7; //按服务器的配置驱动器设置过滤服务器列表结果 @gotags: copier:"ConfigDrive"
string created_at =8; //按创建服务器时的日期和时间戳筛选服务器列表结果@gotags: copier:"CreatedAt"
bool deleted =9; //仅显示已删除的项目 @gotags: copier:"Deleted"
string description =10; //筛选服务器列表结果@gotags: copier:"Description"
string flavor =11; // 按特定实例筛选响应,作为 UUID@gotags: copier:"Flavor"
string host =12; // 按计算节点的主机名筛选服务器列表结果@gotags: copier:"Host"
string hostname =13; // 按服务器的主机名筛选服务器列表结果@gotags: copier:"Hostname"
string image =14; //按图像筛选响应,作为 UUID。@gotags: copier:"Image"
string ip =15; // 用于筛选结果的 IPv4 地址@gotags: copier:"Ip"
string ip6 =16; // 用于筛选结果的 IPv6 地址@gotags: copier:"Ip6"
string kernel_id =17; // 按内核映像的 UUID 筛选服务器列表结果 使用 AMI 时@gotags: copier:"KernelId"
string key_name =18; // 按密钥对名称筛选服务器列表结果@gotags: copier:"KeyName"
int64 launch_index =19; // 服务器已启动@gotags: copier:"LaunchIndex"
string launched_at =20; // 按启动实例时的日期和时间戳筛选服务器列表结果。@gotags: copier:"LaunchedAt"
int64 limit =21; // 请求项目的页面大小。@gotags: copier:"Limit"
string locked_by =22; //按锁定服务器的人员筛选服务器列表结果,可能的值 可以是或 。@gotags: copier:"LockedBy"
string marker =23; // 上次看到的项目的 ID。@gotags: copier:"Marker"
string name =24; // 按服务器名称(字符串形式)筛选响应@gotags: copier:"Name"
string node =25; // 按节点筛选服务器列表结果@gotags: copier:"Node"
int64 power_state =26; //按服务器电源状态筛选服务器列表结果@gotags: copier:"PowerState"
int64 progress =27; //按服务器的进度筛选服务器列表结果@gotags: copier:"Progress"
string project_id =28; // 按给定的项目 ID 筛选服务器列表@gotags: copier:"ProjectId"
string ramdisk_id =29; // 当出现时,按虚拟硬盘镜像的UUID过滤服务器列表结果 使用 AMI@gotags: copier:"RamdiskId"
string reservation_id =30; // 服务器多次创建调用返回的预留 ID@gotags: copier:"ReservationId"
string root_device_name =31; //按服务器的根设备名称筛选服务器列表结果@gotags: copier:"RootDeviceName"
string soft_deleted =32;// 按状态筛选服务器列表。此参数仅有效 指定筛选器参数时@gotags: copier:"SoftDeleted"
string sort_dir =33; //排序方向@gotags: copier:"SortDir"
string sort_key =34; //按服务器属性排序@gotags: copier:"SortKey"
string status =35; //按服务器状态(字符串形式)筛选响应@gotags: copier:"Status"
string task_state =36;//按任务状态筛选服务器列表结果@gotags: copier:"TaskState"
string terminated_at=37; //按实例终止时的日期和时间戳筛选服务器列表结果@gotags: copier:"TerminatedAt"
string user_id=38; //按给定的用户 ID 过滤服务器列表@gotags: copier:"UserId"
string uuid=39; //按服务器的 UUID 筛选服务器列表结果@gotags: copier:"Uuid"
string vm_state =40;// 按 VM 状态筛选服务器列表结果@gotags: copier:"VmState"
string not_tags =41 [json_name="not-tags"]; //用于筛选服务器列表的标记列表。@gotags: copier:"NotTags"
string not_tags_any = 42 [json_name="not-tags-any"]; // 用于筛选服务器列表的标记列表@gotags: copier:"NotTagsAny"
string tags = 43; //用于筛选服务器列表的标记列表@gotags: copier:"Tags"
string tags_any =44 [json_name="tags-any"];//用于筛选服务器列表的标记列表@gotags: copier:"TagsAny"
string changes_before =45 [json_name="changes-before"]; //按上次更改服务器时的日期和时间戳筛选响应。@gotags: copier:"ChangesBefore"
string locked =46; //指定查询参数以列出所有锁定或解锁的内容 实例。@gotags: copier:"Locked"*/
message ListServersResp{
message Links {
string href = 1;
string rel = 2;
message Servers {
string id = 1; //The UUID of the server
repeated Links links = 2; //有关资源的链接。
string name = 3; //The server name
message Servers_links {
string href = 1;
string rel = 2;
repeated Servers servers = 1; //对象列表。server
repeated Servers_links servers_links = 2; //链接到下一个服务器
int32 code = 3; // @gotags: copier:"Code"
string msg = 4; // @gotags: copier:"Msg"
string error_msg =5;// @gotags: copier:"ErrorMsg"
message ListServersDetailedReq {
message ListServersDetailedResp {
message Private {
string OS_EXT_IPS_MAC_mac_addr = 1 [json_name="OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr"];
string OS_EXT_IPS_type = 2 [json_name="OS-EXT-IPS:type"];
string addr = 3;
uint32 version = 4;
message Addresses {
repeated Private private = 1;
message Extra_specs {
message Flavor {
uint32 disk = 1;
uint32 ephemeral = 2;
Extra_specs extra_specs = 3;
string original_name = 4;
uint32 ram = 5;
uint32 swap = 6;
uint32 vcpus = 7;
message Links {
string href = 1;
string rel = 2;
message Image {
string id = 1;
repeated Links links = 2;
message Links1 {
string href = 1;
string rel = 2;
message Metadata {
message Security_groups {
string name = 1;
message ServersDetailed {
string OS_DCF_diskConfig = 1 [json_name="OS-DCF:diskConfig"]; // @gotags: copier:"OS_DCF_diskConfig"
string OS_EXT_AZ_availability_zone = 2 [json_name="OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone"];
string OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_host = 3 [json_name="OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host"];
string OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_hostname = 4 [json_name="OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hostname"];
string OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_hypervisor_hostname = 5 [json_name="OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname"];
string OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_instance_name = 6 [json_name="OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name"];
string OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_kernel_id = 7 [json_name="OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:kernel_id"];
uint32 OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_launch_index = 8 [json_name="OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:launch_index"];
string OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_ramdisk_id = 9 [json_name="OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:ramdisk_id"];
string OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_reservation_id = 10 [json_name="OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:reservation_id"];
string OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_root_device_name = 11 [json_name="OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:root_device_name"];
string OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_user_data = 12 [json_name="OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:user_data"];
uint32 OS_EXT_STS_power_state = 13[json_name="OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:power_state"];
string OS_EXT_STS_task_state = 14[json_name="OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:task_state"];
string OS_EXT_STS_vm_state = 15[json_name="OS-EXT-STS:vm_state"];
string OS_SRV_USG_launched_at = 16[json_name="OS-SRV-USG:launched_at"];
string OS_SRV_USG_terminated_at = 17[json_name="OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at"];
string accessIPv4 = 18;
string accessIPv6 = 19;
Addresses addresses = 20;
string config_drive = 21;
string description = 23;
Flavor flavor = 24;
string hostId = 25;
string host_status = 26;
string id = 27;
Image image = 28;
string key_name = 29;
repeated Links1 links = 30;
bool locked = 31;
string locked_reason = 32;
Metadata metadata = 33;
string name = 34;
repeated string os_extended_volumes_volumes_attached = 35 [json_name="os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached"];
uint32 progress = 36;
repeated Security_groups security_groups = 37;
string status = 38;
repeated string tags = 39;
string tenant_id = 40;
string trusted_image_certificates = 41;
string updated = 42;
string user_id = 43;
repeated ServersDetailed servers = 1; // @gotags: copier:"ServersDetailed"
int32 code = 2; // @gotags: copier:"Code"
string msg = 3; // @gotags: copier:"Msg"
string error_msg =4;// @gotags: copier:"ErrorMsg"
/******************List servers end*************************/
/******************create servers start*********************/
//The message is consistent with the wdbsite,
//so see the detailed annontation via web,https://docs.openstack.org/api-ref/compute/
message CreateServerReq {
message Networks {
string uuid = 1; // @gotags: copier:"Uuid"
string port = 2;
string fixed_ip = 3;
string tag = 4;
message Block_device_mapping_v2 {
string boot_index = 1; // @gotags: copier:"BootIndex"
bool delete_on_termination = 2; // @gotags: copier:"DeleteOnTermination"
string destination_type = 3;
string device_name = 4;
string device_type = 5;
string disk_bus = 6;
string guest_format = 7;
bool no_device = 8;
string source_type = 9; // @gotags: copier:"SourceType"
string uuid = 10; // @gotags: copier:"Uuid"
string volume_size = 11;
string tag = 12;
string volume_type = 13; // @gotags: copier:"VolumeType"
message Metadata {
string My_Server_Name = 1 [json_name="My Server Name"];
message Personality {
string path = 1;
string contents = 2;
message Security_groups {
string name = 1;
message Server {
string flavorRef = 1; // @gotags: copier:"FlavorRef"
string name = 2; // @gotags: copier:"Name"
repeated Networks networks = 3; // @gotags: copier:"Networks"
string imageRef = 10; // @gotags: copier:"ImageRef"
string accessIPv4 = 4;
string accessIPv6 = 5;
string adminPass = 6;
string availability_zone = 7;
repeated Block_device_mapping_v2 block_device_mapping_v2 = 8; // @gotags: copier:"BlockDeviceMappingV2"
bool config_drive = 9;
string key_name = 11;
Metadata metadata = 12;
string OS_DCF_diskConfig = 13 [json_name="OS-DCF:diskConfig"]; // @gotags: copier:"OSDCFDiskConfig"
repeated Personality personality = 14;
repeated Security_groups security_groups = 15;
string user_data = 16;
string description = 17;
string hostname = 18;
repeated string tags = 19;
repeated string trusted_image_certificates = 20;
string host = 21;
string hypervisor_hostname = 22;
message Os_sch_hnt_scheduler_hints {
repeated string same_host = 1;
string build_near_host_ip = 2;
string cidr = 3;
repeated string different_cell = 4;
repeated string different_host = 5;
string group = 6;
string query = 7;
string target_cell = 8;
Server server = 1; // @gotags: copier:"Server"
// Os_sch_hnt_scheduler_hints OS_SCH_HNT_scheduler_hints = 2 [json_name="OS-SCH-HNT:scheduler_hints"];
message CreateServerResp{
message Links {
string href = 1;
string rel = 2;
message Security_groups {
string name = 1; // @gotags: copier:"Name"
message Server {
string id = 1; // @gotags: copier:"Id"
repeated Links links = 2; //
string OS_DCF_diskConfig = 3 [json_name="OS-DCF:diskConfig"]; // @gotags: copier:"OSDCFDiskConfig"
repeated Security_groups security_groups = 4; // @gotags: copier:"SecurityGroups"
string adminPass =5; // @gotags: copier:"AdminPass"
Server server = 1; // @gotags: copier:"Server"
int32 code = 2; // @gotags: copier:"Code"
string msg = 3; // @gotags: copier:"Msg"
string error_msg =4;// @gotags: copier:"ErrorMsg"
/******************create server end*************************/
/******************Delete server start*************************/
//The message is consistent with the wdbsite,
//so see the detailed annontation via web,https://docs.openstack.org/api-ref/compute/
message DeleteServerReq{
string server_id = 1; // @gotags: copier:"ServerId"
message DeleteServerResp{
string msg =1; // @gotags: copier:"Msg"
int32 code =2; // @gotags: copier:"Code"
string error_msg =3;// @gotags: copier:"ErrorMsg"
/******************Delete server end*************************/
/******************ListServerDetailedById server start*************************/
//The message is consistent with the wdbsite,
//so see the detailed annontation via web,https://docs.openstack.org/api-ref/compute/
message ListServerDetailedByIdReq{
string server_id = 1;
message ListServerDetailedByIdResp{
message Private {
string OS_EXT_IPS_MAC_mac_addr = 1 [json_name="OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr"];
string OS_EXT_IPS_type = 2[json_name="OS-EXT-IPS:type"];
string addr = 3;
uint32 version = 4;
message Addresses {
repeated Private private = 1;
message Extra_specs {
message Flavor {
string id = 1;
string links = 2;
uint32 vcpus = 3;
uint32 ram = 4;
uint32 disk = 5;
uint32 ephemeral = 6;
uint32 swap = 7;
string original_name = 8;
Extra_specs extra_specs = 9;
message Links {
string href = 1;
string rel = 2;
message Image {
string id = 1;
repeated Links links = 2;
message Links1 {
string href = 1;
string rel = 2;
message Metadata {
string My_Server_Name = 1[json_name="My Server Name"];
message Os_extended_volumes_volumes_attached {
string id = 1;
bool delete_on_termination = 2;
message Fault {
uint32 code = 1;
string created = 2;
string message = 3;
string details = 4;
message Security_groups {
string name = 1;
message Servers {
string accessIPv4 = 1;
string accessIPv6 = 2;
Addresses addresses = 3;
string config_drive = 4;
string created = 5;
Flavor flavor = 6;
string hostId = 7;
string id = 8;
Image image = 9;
string key_name = 10;
repeated Links1 links = 11;
Metadata metadata = 12;
string name = 13;
string OS_DCF_diskConfig = 14[json_name = "OS-DCF:diskConfig"];
string OS_EXT_AZ_availability_zone = 15[json_name = "OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone"];
string OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_host = 16[json_name = "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host"];
string OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_hostname = 17[json_name = "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hostname"];
string OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_hypervisor_hostname = 18[json_name = "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname"];
string OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_instance_name = 19[json_name = "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name"];
string OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_kernel_id = 20[json_name = "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:kernel_id"];
uint32 OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_launch_index = 21[json_name = "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:launch_index"];
string OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_ramdisk_id = 22[json_name = "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:ramdisk_id"];
string OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_reservation_id = 23[json_name = "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:reservation_id"];
string OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_root_device_name = 24[json_name = "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:root_device_name"];
string OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_user_data = 25[json_name = "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:user_data"];
uint32 OS_EXT_STS_power_state = 26[json_name = "OS-EXT-STS:power_state"];
string OS_EXT_STS_task_state = 27[json_name = "OS-EXT-STS:task_state"];
string OS_EXT_STS_vm_state = 28[json_name = "OS-EXT-STS:vm_state"];
repeated Os_extended_volumes_volumes_attached os_extended_volumes_volumes_attached = 29[json_name = "os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached"];
string OS_SRV_USG_launched_at = 30[json_name = "OS-SRV-USG:launched_at"];
string OS_SRV_USG_terminated_at = 31[json_name = "OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at"];
string status = 32;
string tenant_id = 33;
string updated = 34;
string user_id = 35;
Fault fault = 36;
uint32 progress = 37;
repeated Security_groups security_groups = 38;
bool locked = 39;
string host_status = 40;
string description = 41;
repeated string tags = 42;
string trusted_image_certificates = 43;
repeated string server_groups = 44;
string locked_reason = 45;
repeated Servers servers = 1;
int32 code = 2; // @gotags: copier:"Code"
string msg = 3; // @gotags: copier:"Msg"
string error_msg =4;// @gotags: copier:"ErrorMsg"
/******************update server Start*************************/
message UpdateServerReq{
message Server {
string accessIPv4 = 1;
string accessIPv6 = 2;
string OS_DCF_diskConfig = 3[json_name = "OS-DCF:diskConfig"];
string name = 4;
string description = 5;
string server_id =1;
Server server = 2;
message UpdateServerResp{
message Private {
string OS_EXT_IPS_MAC_mac_addr = 1[json_name = "OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr"];
string OS_EXT_IPS_type = 2[json_name = "OS-EXT-IPS:type"];
string addr = 3;
uint32 version = 4;
message Addresses {
repeated Private private = 1;
message Extra_specs {
message Flavor {
uint32 disk = 1;
uint32 ephemeral = 2;
Extra_specs extra_specs = 3;
string original_name = 4;
uint32 ram = 5;
uint32 swap = 6;
uint32 vcpus = 7;
message Links {
string href = 1;
string rel = 2;
message Image {
string id = 1;
repeated Links links = 2;
message Links1 {
string href = 1;
string rel = 2;
message Metadata {
string My_Server_Name = 1[json_name = "My Server Name"];
message Security_groups {
string name = 1;
message Server {
string OS_DCF_diskConfig = 1[json_name = "OS-DCF:diskConfig"];
string OS_EXT_AZ_availability_zone = 2[json_name = "OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone"];
string OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_host = 3[json_name = "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host"];
string OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_hostname = 4[json_name = "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hostname"];
string OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_hypervisor_hostname = 5[json_name = "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname"];
string OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_instance_name = 6[json_name = "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name"];
string OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_kernel_id = 7[json_name = "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:kernel_id"];
uint32 OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_launch_index = 8[json_name = "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:launch_index"];
string OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_ramdisk_id = 9[json_name = "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:ramdisk_id"];
string OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_reservation_id = 10[json_name = "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:reservation_id"];
string OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_root_device_name = 11[json_name = "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:root_device_name"];
string OS_EXT_SRV_ATTR_user_data = 12[json_name = "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:user_data"];
uint32 OS_EXT_STS_power_state = 13[json_name = "OS-EXT-STS:power_state"];
string OS_EXT_STS_task_state = 14[json_name = "OS-EXT-STS:task_state"];
string OS_EXT_STS_vm_state = 15[json_name = "OS-EXT-STS:vm_state"];
string OS_SRV_USG_launched_at = 16[json_name = "OS-SRV-USG:launched_at"];
string OS_SRV_USG_terminated_at = 17[json_name = "OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at"];
string accessIPv4 = 18;
string accessIPv6 = 19;
Addresses addresses = 20;
string config_drive = 21;
string created = 22;
string description = 23;
Flavor flavor = 24;
string hostId = 25;
string host_status = 26;
string id = 27;
Image image = 28;
string key_name = 29;
repeated Links1 links = 30;
bool locked = 31;
string locked_reason = 32;
Metadata metadata = 33;
string name = 34;
repeated string os_extended_volumes_volumes_attached = 35[json_name = "os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached"];
uint32 progress = 36;
repeated Security_groups security_groups = 37;
repeated string server_groups = 38;
string status = 39;
repeated string tags = 40;
string tenant_id = 41;
string trusted_image_certificates = 42;
string updated = 43;
string user_id = 44;
Server server = 1;
string msg =2; // @gotags: copier:"Msg"
int32 code =3; // @gotags: copier:"Code"
string error_msg =4;// @gotags: copier:"ErrorMsg"
message StartServerReq{
string server_id = 1;
OsStart osStart=2;
message OsStart{
string os_start = 1[json_name = "os-start"];
message StartServerResp{
string msg =1; // @gotags: copier:"Msg"
int32 code =2; // @gotags: copier:"Code"
string error_msg =3;// @gotags: copier:"ErrorMsg"
message StopServerReq{
string server_id = 1;
OsStop osStop=2;
message OsStop{
string os_stop = 1[json_name = "os-stop"];
message StopServerResp{
string msg =1; // @gotags: copier:"Msg"
int32 code =2; // @gotags: copier:"Code"
string error_msg =3;// @gotags: copier:"ErrorMsg"
message RebootServerReq{
string server_id = 1;
message Reboot {
string type = 1;
Reboot reboot = 2;
message RebootServerResp{
string msg =1; // @gotags: copier:"Msg"
int32 code =2; // @gotags: copier:"Code"
string error_msg =3;// @gotags: copier:"ErrorMsg"
message PauseServerReq{
string server_id = 1;
OsPause osPause=2;
message OsPause{
string pause = 1;
message PauseServerResp{
string msg =1; // @gotags: copier:"Msg"
int32 code =2; // @gotags: copier:"Code"
string error_msg =3;// @gotags: copier:"ErrorMsg"
/******************update server end*************************/
/******************ListFlavorsDetail start*************************/
message ListFlavorsDetailReq{
string sort_key =1;
string sort_dir =2;
int32 limit =3;
string marker =4;
int32 minDisk =5;
int32 minRam =6;
string is_public =7;
message ListFlavorsDetailResp{
repeated Flavor flavors =1; // @gotags: copier:"Flavor"
string msg =2; // @gotags: copier:"Msg"
int32 code =3; // @gotags: copier:"Code"
string error_msg =4;// @gotags: copier:"ErrorMsg"
message Flavor {
string name = 1;
string description =2;
string id =3;
int32 disk = 4;
uint32 ephemeral = 5;
Extra_specs extra_specs = 6;
string original_name = 7;
int32 ram = 8;
int32 swap = 9;
int32 vcpus = 10;
repeated Links links = 11;
string OS_FLV_EXT_DATA_ephemeral = 12[json_name = "OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral"];
string OS_FLV_DISABLED_disabled = 13[json_name = "OS-FLV-DISABLED:disabled"];
float rxtx_factor =15;
bool os_flavor_access_is_public = 16[json_name = "os-flavor-access:is_public"];
message Extra_specs {
message Links {
string href = 1;
string rel = 2;
/******************ListFlavorsDetail end*************************/
/******************Show network details Start*************************/
message ShowNetworkDetailsReq{
string network_id = 1; //网络ID
string fields = 2; //可选,希望服务器返回的字段
message Network{
bool admin_state_up = 1; // @gotags: copier:"AdminStateUp"
repeated string availability_zone_hints = 2;// @gotags: copier:"AvailabilityZoneHints"
repeated string availability_zones = 3; // @gotags: copier:"AvailabilityZones"
string created_at = 4;// @gotags: copier:"CreatedAt"
string dns_domain = 5;// @gotags: copier:"DnsDomain"
string id = 6; // @gotags: copier:"Id"
string ipv4_address_scope = 7; // @gotags: copier:"Ipv4AddressScope"
string ipv6_address_scope = 8; // @gotags: copier:"Ipv6AddressScope"
bool l2_adjacency = 9; // @gotags: copier:"L2Adjacency"
int64 mtu = 10; // @gotags: copier:"Mtu"
string name = 11; // @gotags: copier:"Name"
bool port_security_enabled = 12; // @gotags: copier:"PortSecurityEnabled"
string project_id = 13; // @gotags: copier:"ProjectId"
string qos_policy_id = 14; // @gotags: copier:"QosPolicyId"
int64 revision_number = 15;// @gotags: copier:"RevisionNumber"
bool router_external = 16 [json_name = "router:external"]; // @gotags: copier:"RouterExternal"
bool shared = 17; // @gotags: copier:"Shared"
string status = 18; // @gotags: copier:"Status"
repeated string subnets = 19; // @gotags: copier:"Subnets"
repeated string tags = 20; // @gotags: copier:"Tags"
string tenant_id = 21; // @gotags: copier:"TenantId"
string updated_at = 22; // @gotags: copier:"UpdatedAt"
bool vlan_transparent = 23; // @gotags: copier:"VlanTransparent"
string description = 24;// @gotags: copier:"Description"
bool is_default = 25; // @gotags: copier:"IsDefault"
message Segment{
string provider_network_type = 1 [json_name = "provider:network_type"]; //此网络映射到的物理网络的类型
string provider_physical_network = 2 [json_name = "provider:physical_network"]; //实现该网络/分段的物理网络
int64 provider_segmentation_id = 3 [json_name = "provider:segmentation_id"]; //物理网络上隔离段的ID,network_type属性定义分段模型
message ShowNetworkDetailsResp{
Network network = 1; //一个网络对象
bool admin_state_up = 2; //网络的管理状态,是向上(true)还是向下(false)
repeated string availability_zone_hints = 3; //网络的可用性区域候选者
repeated string availability_zones = 4; //网络的可用性区域
string created_at = 5; //创建资源的时间
string dns_domain = 6; //有效的DNS域
string id = 7; //网络ID
string ipv4_address_scope = 8; //与网络关联的IPv4地址作用域的ID
string ipv6_address_scope = 9; //与网络关联的IPv6地址作用域的ID
bool l2_adjacency = 10; //指示L2连接是否在整个网络中可用
int64 mtu = 11; //要寻址分段的最大传输单元(MTU)值,IPv4最小值为68,IPv6最小值为1280
string name = 12; //人类可读的网络名称
bool port_security_enabled = 13; //网络的端口安全状态。有效值为启用(true)和禁用(false)
string project_id = 14; //项目ID
string provider_network_type = 15 [json_name = "provider:network_type"]; //此网络映射到的物理网络的类型,例如flat、vlan、vxlan或gre。有效值取决于网络后端
string provider_physical_network = 16 [json_name = "provider:physical_network"]; //实现该网络/分段的物理网络
int64 provider_segmentation_id = 17 [json_name = "provider:segmentation_id"]; //物理网络上隔离段的ID,network_type属性定义分段模型
string qos_policy_id = 18; //与网络关联的QoS策略的ID
int64 revision_number = 19; //资源的修订号
bool router_external = 20 [json_name = "router:external"]; //定义网络是否可用于创建浮动IP,只有具有此标志的网络才能作为路由器的外部网关
repeated Segment segments = 21; //提供程序段对象的列表
bool shared = 22; //指示是否在所有租户之间共享此网络,默认情况下,只有管理用户才能更改此值
string status = 23; //网络状态,值为ACTIVE、DOWN、BUILD或ERROR
repeated string subnets = 24; //关联的子网
string tenant_id = 25; //项目的ID
string updated_at = 26; //资源更新的时间
bool vlan_transparent = 27; //指示网络的VLAN透明模式,为VLAN透明(true)或非VLAN透明(false)
string description = 28; //人类可读的资源描述
bool is_default = 29; //网络是否为默认池
repeated string tags = 30; //资源上的标记列表
string msg =31; // @gotags: copier:"Msg"
int32 code =32; // @gotags: copier:"Code"
string error_msg =33;// @gotags: copier:"ErrorMsg"
/******************Show network details End*************************/
/******************Update network Start*************************/
message UpdateNetworkReq{
string network_id = 1;
Network network = 2;
bool admin_state_up = 3;
string dns_domain = 4;
int64 mtu = 5;
string name = 6;
bool port_security_enabled = 7;
string provider_network_type = 8 [json_name = "provider:network_type"];
string provider_physical_network = 9 [json_name = "provider:physical_network"];
int64 provider_segmentation_id = 10 [json_name = "provider:segmentation_id"];
string qos_policy_id = 11;
bool router_external = 12 [json_name = "router:external"];
repeated Segment segments = 13;
bool shared = 14;
string description = 15;
bool is_default = 16;
message UpdateNetworkResp{
Network network = 1;
bool admin_state_up = 2;
repeated string availability_zone_hints = 3;
repeated string availability_zones = 4;
string created_at = 5;
string dns_domain = 6;
string id = 7;
string ipv4_address_scope = 8;
string ipv6_address_scope = 9;
bool l2_adjacency = 10;
int64 mtu = 11;
string name = 12;
bool port_security_enabled = 13;
string project_id = 14;
string provider_network_type = 15 [json_name = "provider:network_type"];
string provider_physical_network = 16 [json_name = "provider:physical_network"];
int64 provider_segmentation_id = 17 [json_name = "provider:segmentation_id"];
string qos_policy_id = 18;
int64 revision_number = 19;
bool router_external = 20 [json_name = "router:external"];
repeated Segment segments = 21;
bool shared = 22;
string status = 23;
repeated string subnets = 24;
string tenant_id = 25;
string updated_at = 26;
string description = 27;
bool is_default = 28;
repeated string tags = 29;
string msg =30; // @gotags: copier:"Msg"
int32 code =31; // @gotags: copier:"Code"
string error_msg =32;// @gotags: copier:"ErrorMsg"
/******************Update network End*************************/
/******************Delete network Start*************************/
message DeleteNetworkReq{
string network_id = 1; // @gotags: copier:"NetworkId"
message DeleteNetworkResp{
string msg =1; // @gotags: copier:"Msg"
int32 code =2; // @gotags: copier:"Code"
string error_msg =3;// @gotags: copier:"ErrorMsg"
/******************Delete network End*************************/
/******************List networks Start*************************/
message ListNetworksReq{
/* bool admin_state_up = 1;
string id = 2;
int64 mtu = 3;
string name = 4;
string project_id = 5;
string provider_network_type = 6 [json_name = "provider:network_type"];
string provider_physical_network = 7 [json_name = "provider:physical_network"];
int64 provider_segmentation_id = 8 [json_name = "provider:segmentation_id"];
int64 revision_number = 9;
bool router_external = 10 [json_name = "router:external"];
bool shared = 11;
string status = 12;
string tenant_id = 13;
bool vlan_transparent = 14;
string description = 15;
bool is_default = 16;
string tags = 17;
string tags_any = 18 [json_name = "tags-any"];
string not_tags = 19 [json_name = "not-tags"];
string not_tags_any = 20[json_name = "not-tags-any"];
string sort_dir = 21;
string sort_key = 22;
string fields = 23;*/
message ListNetworksResp{
repeated Network networks = 1; // @gotags: copier:"Networks"
/* bool admin_state_up = 2;
repeated string availability_zone_hints = 3;
repeated string availability_zones = 4;
string created_at = 5;
string dns_domain = 6;
string id = 7;
string ipv4_address_scope = 8;
string ipv6_address_scope = 9;
bool l2_adjacency = 10;
int64 mtu = 11;
string name = 12;
bool port_security_enabled = 13;
string project_id = 14;
string provider_network_type = 15 [json_name = "provider:network_type"];
string provider_physical_network = 16 [json_name = "provider:physical_network"];
int64 provider_segmentation_id = 17 [json_name = "provider:segmentation_id"];
string qos_policy_id = 18;
int64 revision_number = 19;
bool router_external = 20 [json_name = "router:external"];
repeated Segment segments = 21;
bool shared = 22;
string status = 23;
repeated string subnets = 24;
string tenant_id = 25;
string updated_at = 26;
bool vlan_transparent = 27;
string description = 28;
bool is_default = 29;
repeated string tags = 30;*/
int32 code = 2; // @gotags: copier:"Code"
string msg = 3; // @gotags: copier:"Msg"
string error_msg =4;// @gotags: copier:"ErrorMsg"
/******************List networks End*************************/
/******************Create network Start*************************/
message CreateNetworkReq{
Network network = 1; // @gotags: copier:"Network"
/* bool admin_state_up = 2;
string dns_domain = 3;
int64 mtu = 4;
string name = 5;
bool port_security_enabled = 6;
string project_id = 7;
string provider_network_type = 8 [json_name = "provider:network_type"];
string provider_physical_network = 9 [json_name = "provider:physical_network"];
int64 provider_segmentation_id = 10 [json_name = "provider:segmentation_id"];
string qos_policy_id = 11;
bool router_external = 12 [json_name = "router:external"];
repeated Segment segments = 13;
bool shared = 14;
string tenant_id = 15;
bool vlan_transparent = 16;
string description = 17;
bool is_default = 18;
repeated string availability_zone_hints = 19;*/
message CreateNetworkResp{
Network network = 1; // @gotags: copier:"Network"
/* bool admin_state_up = 2;
repeated string availability_zone_hints = 3;
repeated string availability_zones = 4;
string created_at = 5;
string dns_domain = 6;
string id = 7;
string ipv4_address_scope = 8;
string ipv6_address_scope = 9;
bool l2_adjacency = 10;
int64 mtu = 11;
string name = 12;
bool port_security_enabled = 13;
string project_id = 14;
string provider_network_type = 15 [json_name = "provider:network_type"];
string provider_physical_network = 16 [json_name = "provider:physical_network"];
int64 provider_segmentation_id = 17 [json_name = "provider:segmentation_id"];
string qos_policy_id = 18;
int64 revision_number = 19;
bool router_external = 20 [json_name = "router:external"];
repeated Segment segments = 21;
bool shared = 22;
string status = 23;
repeated string subnets = 24;
string updated_at = 25;
bool vlan_transparent = 26;
string description = 27;
bool is_default = 28;
repeated string tags = 29;*/
int32 code = 30; // @gotags: copier:"Code"
string msg = 31; // @gotags: copier:"Msg"
string error_msg =32;// @gotags: copier:"ErrorMsg"
/******************Create network End*************************/
message CreateSubnetReq{
Subnet subnet = 1; // @gotags: copier:"Subnet"
message CreateSubnetResp{
SubnetResp subnet = 1; // @gotags: copier:"SubnetResp"
int32 code = 2; // @gotags: copier:"Code"
string msg = 3; // @gotags: copier:"Msg"
string error_msg =4;// @gotags: copier:"ErrorMsg"
message Subnet {
string network_id =1; //@gotags: copier:"NetworkId"
string name =2; //@gotags: copier:"Name"
string cidr =3; //@gotags: copier:"Cidr"
int32 ip_version =4; //@gotags: copier:"IpVersion"
string gateway_ip =5; //@gotags: copier:"GatewayIp"
bool enable_dhcp =6; //@gotags: copier:"EnableDhcp"
repeated Allocation_pools allocation_pools =7; //@gotags: copier:"AllocationPools"
repeated string dns_nameservers =8; //@gotags: copier:"DnsNameservers"
repeated string host_routes =9; //@gotags: copier:"HostRoutes"
message SubnetResp {
string name =1;
string cidr =2;
int32 ip_version =3;
string gateway_ip =4;
bool enable_dhcp =5;
repeated Allocation_pools allocation_pools =6; //@gotags: copier:"Allocation_pools"
repeated string dns_nameservers =7;
repeated string host_routes =8;
string network_id =9;
string segment_id =10;
string project_id =11;
string tenant_id =12 ;
string dns_publish_fixed_ip =13;
string id =14;
string created_at =15;
string description =16;
string ipv6_address_mode =17;
string ipv6_ra_mode =18;
string revision_number =19;
repeated string service_types =20;
string subnetpool_id =21;
repeated string tags =22;
string updated_at =23;
message Allocation_pools {
string start = 1; // @gotags: copier:"Start"
string end = 2; // @gotags: copier:"End"
/******************Create subnets start*************************/
/******************Create subnets End*************************/
/******************Bulk create networks Start*************************/
message BulkCreateNetworksReq{
repeated Network networks = 1;
bool admin_state_up = 2;
string dns_domain = 3;
int64 mtu = 4;
string name = 5;
bool port_security_enabled = 6;
string project_id = 7;
string provider_network_type = 8 [json_name = "provider:network_type"];
string provider_physical_network = 9 [json_name = "provider:physical_network"];
int64 provider_segmentation_id = 10 [json_name = "provider:segmentation_id"];
string qos_policy_id = 11;
bool router_external = 12 [json_name = "router:external"];
repeated Segment segments = 13;
bool shared = 14;
string tenant_id = 15;
bool vlan_transparent = 16;
string description = 17;
repeated string availability_zone_hints = 18;
message BulkCreateNetworksResp{
repeated Network networks = 1;
bool admin_state_up = 2;
repeated string availability_zone_hints = 3;
repeated string availability_zones = 4;
string created_at = 5;
string dns_domain = 6;
string id = 7;
string ipv4_address_scope = 8;
string ipv6_address_scope = 9;
bool l2_adjacency = 10;
int64 mtu = 11;
string name = 12;
bool port_security_enabled = 13;
string project_id = 14;
string provider_network_type = 15 [json_name = "provider:network_type"];
string provider_physical_network = 16 [json_name = "provider:physical_network"];
int64 provider_segmentation_id = 17 [json_name = "provider:segmentation_id"];
string qos_policy_id = 18;
int64 revision_number = 19;
bool router_external = 20 [json_name = "router:external"];
repeated Segment segments = 21;
bool shared = 22;
string status = 23;
repeated string subnets = 24;
string tenant_id = 25;
string updated_at = 26;
bool vlan_transparent = 27;
string description = 28;
bool is_default = 29;
repeated string tags = 30;
int32 code = 31; // @gotags: copier:"Code"
string msg = 32; // @gotags: copier:"Msg"
string error_msg =33;// @gotags: copier:"ErrorMsg"
/******************Bulk create networks End*************************/
/******************WangQi Bare Metal API Start*************************/
/****************** Bare Metal ListNodes Start*************************/
message ListNodesReq {
string instance_uuid = 1;
bool maintenance = 2;
bool associated = 3;
string provision_state = 4;
bool sharded = 5;
string driver = 6;
string resource_class = 7;
string conductor_group = 8;
string conductor =9;
string fault =10;
string owner =11;
string lessee =12;
repeated string shard =13;
int64 limit =14;
string marker =15;
string sort_dir =16;
string sort_key =17;
bool detail =18;
string parent_node =19;
string include_children =20;
message ListNodesResp {
message Links {
string href = 1;
string rel = 2;
message Nodes {
string instance_uuid = 1;
repeated Links links = 2;
bool maintenance = 3;
string name = 4;
string power_state = 5;
string provision_state = 6;
string uuid = 7;
repeated Nodes nodes = 1;
int32 code = 2; // @gotags: copier:"Code"
string msg = 3; // @gotags: copier:"Msg"
string error_msg =4;// @gotags: copier:"ErrorMsg"
/******************Bare Metal ListNodes End*************************/
/****************** Bare Metal createNode Start*************************/
message CreateNodeReq {
message Driver_info {
string ipmi_username = 1;
string ipmi_password = 2;
string name = 1;
string driver = 2;
Driver_info driver_info = 3;
string power_interface = 4;
string resource_class = 5;
string boot_interface = 6;
string conductor_group = 7;
string console_interface = 8;
string deploy_interface = 9;
string inspect_interface = 10;
string management_interface = 11;
string network_interface = 12;
string rescue_interface = 13;
string storage_interface = 14;
string uuid = 15;
string vendor_interface = 16;
string owner = 17;
string description = 18;
string lessee = 19;
string shard = 20;
Properties properties = 21;
bool automated_clean = 22;
string bios_interface = 23;
string chassis_uuid =24;
Instance_info instance_info = 25;
string instance_uuid =26;
bool maintenance = 27;
bool maintenance_reason = 28;
Network_data network_data = 29;
string parent_node =30;
bool protected =31;
string protected_reason =32;
bool retired =33;
string retired_reason =34;
message Properties {
message Instance_info {
message Network_data{
int32 code = 35; // @gotags: copier:"Code"
string msg = 36; // @gotags: copier:"Msg"
string error_msg =37;// @gotags: copier:"ErrorMsg"
message CreateNodeResp {
message Clean_step {
message Deploy_step {
message Driver_info {
string ipmi_password = 1;
string ipmi_username = 2;
message Driver_internal_info {
message Extra {
message Instance_info {
message Links {
string href = 1;
string rel = 2;
message Network_data {
message Portgroups {
string href = 1;
string rel = 2;
message Ports {
string href = 1;
string rel = 2;
message Properties {
message Raid_config {
message States {
string href = 1;
string rel = 2;
message Target_raid_config {
message Volume {
string href = 1;
string rel = 2;
string allocation_uuid = 1;
string name = 2;
string power_state = 3;
string target_power_state = 4;
string provision_state = 5;
string target_provision_state = 6;
bool maintenance = 7;
string maintenance_reason = 8;
string fault = 9;
string last_error = 10;
string reservation = 11;
string driver = 12;
Driver_info driver_info = 13;
Driver_internal_info driver_internal_info = 14;
Properties properties = 15;
Instance_info instance_info = 16;
string instance_uuid = 17;
string chassis_uuid = 18;
Extra extra = 19;
bool console_enabled = 20;
Raid_config raid_config = 21;
Target_raid_config target_raid_config = 22;
Clean_step clean_step = 23;
Deploy_step deploy_step = 24;
repeated Links links = 25;
repeated Ports ports = 26;
repeated Portgroups portgroups = 27;
repeated States states = 28;
string resource_class = 29;
string boot_interface = 30;
string console_interface = 31;
string deploy_interface = 32;
string conductor_group = 33;
string inspect_interface = 34;
string management_interface = 35;
string network_interface = 36;
string power_interface = 37;
string raid_interface = 38;
string rescue_interface = 39;
string storage_interface = 40;
repeated string traits = 41;
string vendor_interface = 42;
repeated Volume volume = 43;
bool protected = 44;
string protected_reason = 45;
string conductor =46;
string owner = 47;
string lessee = 48;
string shard = 49;
string description = 50;
string automated_clean = 51;
string bios_interface = 52;
Network_data network_data = 53;
bool retired = 54;
string retired_reason = 55;
string created_at = 56;
string inspection_finished_at = 57;
string inspection_started_at = 58;
string updated_at = 59;
string uuid = 60;
string provision_updated_at = 61;
int32 code = 62; // @gotags: copier:"Code"
string msg = 63; // @gotags: copier:"Msg"
string error_msg =65;// @gotags: copier:"ErrorMsg"
/******************Bare Metal createNode End*************************/
/****************** Bare Metal DeleteNode Start*************************/
message DeleteNodeReq{
string node_ident = 1;
message DeleteNodeResp{
int32 code = 1; // @gotags: copier:"Code"
string msg = 2; // @gotags: copier:"Msg"
string error_msg =3;// @gotags: copier:"ErrorMsg"
/****************** Bare Metal DeleteNode End*************************/
/****************** Bare Metal ShowNodeDetailsReq Start******************/
message ShowNodeDetailsReq{
string node_ident = 1;
repeated Fields fields = 2;
message Fields{
message ShowNodeDetailsResp{
message Clean_step {
message Deploy_step {
message Driver_info {
string ipmi_password = 1;
string ipmi_username = 2;
message Driver_internal_info {
string clean_steps = 1;
message Extra {
message Instance_info {
message Links {
string href = 1;
string rel = 2;
message Network_data {
message Portgroups {
string href = 1;
string rel = 2;
message Ports {
string href = 1;
string rel = 2;
message Properties {
message Raid_config {
message States {
string href = 1;
string rel = 2;
message Target_raid_config {
message Volume {
string href = 1;
string rel = 2;
message Traits{
string uuid = 1;
string name = 2;
string power_state = 3;
string target_power_state = 4;
string provision_state = 5;
string target_provision_state = 6;
bool maintenance = 7;
string maintenance_reason = 8;
string fault = 9;
string last_error = 10;
string reservation =11;
string driver = 12;
Driver_info driver_info = 13;
Driver_internal_info driver_internal_info = 14;
Properties properties = 15;
Instance_info instance_info = 16;
string instance_uuid = 17;
string chassis_uuid = 18;
Extra extra = 19;
bool console_enabled = 20;
Raid_config raid_config = 21;
Target_raid_config target_raid_config = 22;
Clean_step clean_step = 23;
Deploy_step deploy_step = 24;
repeated Links links = 25;
repeated Ports ports = 26;
repeated Portgroups portgroups = 27;
repeated States states = 28;
string resource_class = 29;
string bios_interface = 30;
string boot_interface = 31;
string console_interface = 32;
string deploy_interface = 33;
string inspect_interface = 34;
string management_interface =35;
string network_interface = 36;
string power_interface = 37;
string raid_interface = 38;
string rescue_interface = 39;
string storage_interface = 40;
repeated Traits traits = 41;
string vendor_interface = 42;
repeated Volume volume = 43;
string conductor_group = 44;
bool protected = 45;
string protected_reason = 46;
string owner = 47;
string lessee = 48;
string shard = 49;
string description = 50;
string conductor = 51;
string allocation_uuid = 52;
string created_at = 53;
string inspection_finished_at = 54;
string inspection_started_at = 55;
Network_data network_data = 57;
string provision_updated_at = 58;
bool retired = 59;
string retired_reason = 60;
string updated_at = 61;
int32 code = 62; // @gotags: copier:"Code"
string msg = 63; // @gotags: copier:"Msg"
string error_msg =64;// @gotags: copier:"ErrorMsg"
/****************** Bare Metal ShowNodeDetailsResp End********************/
/******************WangQi Bare Metal API End*************************/
/******************WangQi Images API start*************************/
message CreateImageReq{
string container_format = 1;
string disk_format = 2;
string id = 3;
int64 min_disk =4;
int64 min_ram =5;
string name = 6;
bool protected =7;
repeated Tags tags = 43;
string visibility = 44;
message Tags{
message CreateImageResp{
string Location = 1;
string OpenStack_image_import_methods = 2 [json_name="OpenStack-image-import-methods"];
string OpenStack_image_store_ids = 3 [json_name="OpenStack-image-store-ids"];
string checksum = 4;
string container_format = 5;
string created_at = 6;
string disk_format = 7;
string file = 8;
string id = 9;
uint32 min_disk = 10;
uint32 min_ram = 11;
string name = 12;
string os_hash_algo = 13;
string os_hash_value = 14;
bool os_hidden = 15;
bool protected = 16;
string owner = 17;
string schema = 18;
string self = 19;
int64 size = 20;
string status = 21;
string updated_at = 22;
string visibility = 23;
int64 virtual_size = 24;
string direct_url =25;
repeated Tags tags = 26;
repeated Locations locations = 27;
message Tags{
message Locations{
int32 code = 28; // @gotags: copier:"Code"
string msg = 29; // @gotags: copier:"Msg"
string error_msg =30;// @gotags: copier:"ErrorMsg"
message ListImagesReq{
int32 limit = 1; // @gotags: copier:"Limit"
/* string marker =2; // @gotags: copier:"Marker"
string name =3; // @gotags: copier:"Name"
string owner = 4; // @gotags: copier:"Owner"
bool protected =5; // @gotags: copier:"Protected"
int32 status =6; // @gotags: copier:"Status"
string tag = 7; // @gotags: copier:"tag"
string visibility =8; // @gotags: copier:"visibility"
bool os_hidden =9;
string member_status =10;
string size_max =11;
string size_min =12;
string created_at =13;
string updated_at =14;
string sort_dir =15;
string sort_key =16;
string sort =17;*/
message ListImagesResp{
string first =1;
string next =2;
string schema = 3;
repeated Images images = 4;
message Images{
string status = 1;
string name = 2;
repeated Tags tags = 3;
string container_format = 4;
string created_at = 5;
string disk_format = 6;
string updated_at = 7;
string visibility = 8;
string self = 9;
uint32 min_disk = 10;
bool protected = 11;
string id = 12;
string file = 13;
string checksum = 14;
string os_hash_algo = 15;
string os_hash_value = 16;
bool os_hidden = 17;
string owner = 18;
uint32 size = 19;
uint32 min_ram = 20;
string schema = 21;
int32 virtual_size = 22;
message Tags {
int32 code = 5; // @gotags: copier:"Code"
string msg = 6; // @gotags: copier:"Msg"
string error_msg =7;// @gotags: copier:"ErrorMsg"
message DeleteImageReq{
string image_id = 1; // @gotags: copier:"imageId"
message DeleteImageResp{
int32 code = 1; // @gotags: copier:"Code"
string msg = 2; // @gotags: copier:"Msg"
string error_msg =3;// @gotags: copier:"ErrorMsg"
message UploadOsImageReq{
string image_id = 1; // @gotags: copier:"ImageId"
message UploadOsImageResp{
int32 code = 1; // @gotags: copier:"Code"
string msg = 2; // @gotags: copier:"Msg"
string error_msg =3;// @gotags: copier:"ErrorMsg"
/******************WangQi Images API End*************************/
/******************WangQi volumes API start*************************/
message ListVolumesReq{
string project_id = 1; // @gotags: copier:"ProjectId"
string all_tenants =2;
string sort =3;
int32 limit =4;
int32 offset =5;
string marker =6;
bool with_count =7;
string created_at =8;
bool consumes_quota =9;
string updated_at =10;
message ListVolumesResp{
message Links {
string href = 1;
string rel = 2;
message Volumes {
string id = 1;
repeated Links links = 2;
string name = 3;
repeated Volumes volumes = 1;
int32 code = 2; // @gotags: copier:"Code"
string msg = 3; // @gotags: copier:"Msg"
string error_msg =4;// @gotags: copier:"ErrorMsg"
message ListVolumesDetailReq{
string all_tenants =2;
string sort =3;
int32 limit =4;
int32 offset =5;
string marker =6;
bool with_count =7;
string created_at =8;
bool consumes_quota =9;
string updated_at =10;
message ListVolumesDetailResp{
repeated VolumeDetail volumes = 1;
int32 code = 2; // @gotags: copier:"Code"
string msg = 3; // @gotags: copier:"Msg"
string error_msg =4;// @gotags: copier:"ErrorMsg"
message Links {
string href = 1;
string rel = 2;
message Attachments {
string server_id = 1;
string attachment_id = 2;
string attached_at =3;
string host_name =4;
string volume_id=5;
string device =6;
string id=7;
message Metadata{
message VolumeDetail {
string id = 1;
repeated Links links = 2;
string name = 3;
string migration_status =4;
repeated Attachments attachments = 5;
string availability_zone =6;
string os_vol_host_attr_host =7 [json_name="os-vol-host-attr:host"];
bool encrypted =8;
string encryption_key_id=9;
string updated_at=10;
string replication_status =11;
string snapshot_id =12;
int32 size =13;
string user_id =14;
string os_vol_tenant_attr_tenant_id =15 [json_name="os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id"];
string os_vol_mig_status_attr_migstat =16 [json_name="os-vol-mig-status-attr:migstat"];
Metadata metadata =17;
string status =18;
string description =19;
bool multiattach =20;
string source_volid =21;
string consistencygroup_id =22;
string os_vol_mig_status_attr_name_id =23 [json_name="os-vol-mig-status-attr:name_id"];
string bootable =24;
string created_at =25;
string volume_type =26;
string volume_type_id =27;
string group_id =28;
string provider_id =29;
string service_uuid =30;
bool shared_targets =31;
string cluster_name =32;
bool consumes_quota =33;
int32 count =34;
message CreateVolumeReq{
string project_id = 1; // @gotags: copier:"ProjectId"
Volume volume = 2;
// Os_ch_hnt_scheduler_hints OS_SCH_HNT_scheduler_hints = 3 [json_name="Os-sch-hnt:scheduler_hints"];
message Metadata {
message Volume {
int32 size = 1; // @gotags: copier:"Size"
string availability_zone =2; // @gotags: copier:"AvailabilityZone"
string name = 3; // @gotags: copier:"Name"
string volume_type =4; // @gotags: copier:"VolumeType"
string description =5; // @gotags: copier:"Description"
Metadata metadata = 11;
/* message Os_ch_hnt_scheduler_hints {
repeated string same_host = 1;
message CreateVolumeResp{
message Links {
string href = 1;
string rel = 2;
message Metadata {
message Volume {
repeated Attachments attachments = 1;
string availability_zone = 2;
string bootable = 3;
string consistencygroup_id = 4;
string created_at = 5;
string description = 6;
bool encrypted = 7;
string id = 8;
repeated Links links = 9;
Metadata metadata = 10;
string migration_status = 11;
bool multiattach = 12;
string name = 13;
string replication_status = 14;
uint32 size = 15;
string snapshot_id = 16;
string source_volid = 17;
string status = 18;
string updated_at = 19;
string user_id = 20;
string volume_type = 21;
string group_id = 22;
string provider_id = 23;
string service_uuid = 24;
bool shared_targets = 25;
string cluster_name = 26;
string volume_type_id = 27;
bool consumes_quota = 28;
message Attachments{
string server_id = 1;
string attachment_id = 2;
string attached_at = 3;
string host_name = 4;
string volume_id = 5;
string device = 6;
string id = 7;
Volume volume = 1; // @gotags: copier:"Volume"
int32 code = 2; // @gotags: copier:"Code"
string msg = 3; // @gotags: copier:"Msg"
string error_msg =4;// @gotags: copier:"ErrorMsg"
message DeleteVolumeReq{
// string project_id =1;
string volume_id =2;
bool cascade =3;
bool force =4;
message DeleteVolumeResp{
int32 code = 1; // @gotags: copier:"Code"
string msg = 2; // @gotags: copier:"Msg"
string error_msg =3;// @gotags: copier:"ErrorMsg"
message UpdateVolumeReq{
message Metadata {
string name = 1;
message Volume {
string name = 1;
string description = 2;
Metadata metadata = 3;
string project_id = 1;
string volume_type_id = 2;
Volume volume = 3;
message UpdateVolumeResp{
message Links {
string href = 1;
string rel = 2;
message Metadata {
string name = 1;
message Volume {
repeated Attachments attachments = 1;
string availability_zone = 2;
string bootable = 3;
string consistencygroup_id = 4;
string created_at = 5;
string description = 6;
bool encrypted = 7;
string id = 8;
repeated Links links = 9;
Metadata metadata = 10;
string migration_status = 11;
bool multiattach = 12;
string name = 13;
string replication_status = 14;
uint32 size = 15;
string snapshot_id = 16;
string source_volid = 17;
string status = 18;
string updated_at = 19;
string user_id = 20;
string volume_type = 21;
string group_id = 22;
string provider_id = 23;
string service_uuid = 24;
bool shared_targets = 25;
string cluster_name = 26;
string volume_type_id = 27;
bool consumes_quota = 28;
message Attachments{
string server_id = 1;
string attachment_id = 2;
string attached_at = 3;
string host_name = 4;
string volume_id = 5;
string device = 6;
string id = 7;
Volume volume = 1;
int32 code = 2; // @gotags: copier:"Code"
string msg = 3; // @gotags: copier:"Msg"
string error_msg =4;// @gotags: copier:"ErrorMsg"
message ListVolumeTypesReq{
string project_id =1;
string sort =2;
bool is_public =3;
int32 limit=4;
int32 offset =5;
string marker =6;
message ListVolumeTypesResp{
message Extra_specs {
string capabilities = 1;
message Volume_types {
string description = 1;
Extra_specs extra_specs = 2;
string id = 3;
bool is_public = 4; // @gotags: copier:"IsPublic"
string name = 5;
bool os_volume_type_access_is_public = 6 [json_name="os-volume-type-access:is_public"]; // @gotags: copier:"OsVolumeTypeAccessIsPublic"
string qos_specs_id = 7;
repeated Volume_types volume_types = 1; // @gotags: copier:"VolumeTypes"
int32 code = 2; // @gotags: copier:"Code"
string msg = 3; // @gotags: copier:"Msg"
string error_msg =4;// @gotags: copier:"ErrorMsg"
message CreateTypeReq{
message Extra_specs {
string capabilities = 1;
message Volume_type {
string name = 1;
string description = 2;
bool os_volume_type_access_is_public = 3[json_name="os-volume-type-access:is_public"];
Extra_specs extra_specs = 4;
string project_id=1;
Volume_type volume_type = 2;
message CreateTypeResp{
message Extra_specs {
string capabilities = 1; // @gotags: copier:"Capabilities"
message Volume_type {
string name = 1; // @gotags: copier:"Name"
Extra_specs extra_specs = 2; // @gotags: copier:"ExtraSpecs"
bool os_volume_type_access_is_public = 3[json_name="os-volume-type-access:is_public"]; // @gotags: copier:"OsVolumeTypeAccessIsPublic"
bool is_public = 4; // @gotags: copier:"IsPublic"
string id = 5; // @gotags: copier:"Id"
string description = 6; // @gotags: copier:"Description"
Volume_type volume_type = 1; // @gotags: copier:"VolumeTypes"
int32 code = 2; // @gotags: copier:"Code"
string msg = 3; // @gotags: copier:"Msg"
string error_msg =4;// @gotags: copier:"ErrorMsg"
message DeleteTypeReq{
string project_id =1;
string volume_type_id =2;
message DeleteTypeResp{
int32 code = 1; // @gotags: copier:"Code"
string msg = 2; // @gotags: copier:"Msg"
string error_msg =3;// @gotags: copier:"ErrorMsg"
/******************WangQi volumes API start*************************/
service Openstack {
// Servers
rpc ListServers(ListServersReq) returns (ListServersResp);
rpc ListServersDetailed (ListServersDetailedReq) returns (ListServersDetailedResp);
rpc CreateServer(CreateServerReq) returns (CreateServerResp);
rpc DeleteServer(DeleteServerReq) returns (DeleteServerResp);
rpc ListServerDetailedById(ListServerDetailedByIdReq ) returns (ListServerDetailedByIdResp);
rpc UpdateServer(UpdateServerReq) returns (UpdateServerResp);
rpc StartServer(StartServerReq) returns (StartServerResp);
rpc StopServer(StopServerReq) returns (StopServerResp);
rpc RebootServer(RebootServerReq) returns (RebootServerResp);
rpc PauseServer(PauseServerReq) returns (PauseServerResp);
rpc ListFlavorsDetail(ListFlavorsDetailReq) returns (ListFlavorsDetailResp);
rpc ShowNetworkDetails(ShowNetworkDetailsReq) returns (ShowNetworkDetailsResp);
rpc UpdateNetwork(UpdateNetworkReq) returns (UpdateNetworkResp);
rpc DeleteNetwork(DeleteNetworkReq) returns (DeleteNetworkResp);
rpc ListNetworks(ListNetworksReq) returns (ListNetworksResp);
rpc CreateNetwork(CreateNetworkReq) returns (CreateNetworkResp);
rpc BulkCreateNetworks(BulkCreateNetworksReq) returns (BulkCreateNetworksResp);//批量创建网络
rpc CreateSubnet(CreateSubnetReq) returns (CreateSubnetResp);//创建子网
// Images from glance
rpc CreateImage(CreateImageReq) returns (CreateImageResp);
rpc LisImages(ListImagesReq) returns (ListImagesResp);
rpc DeleteImage(DeleteImageReq) returns (DeleteImageResp);
rpc UploadImage(UploadOsImageReq) returns (UploadOsImageResp);
// Bare Metal
rpc ListNodes(ListNodesReq) returns (ListNodesResp);
rpc CreateNode(CreateNodeReq) returns (CreateNodeResp);
rpc DeleteNode(DeleteNodeReq) returns (DeleteNodeResp);
rpc ShowNodeDetails(ShowNodeDetailsReq) returns (ShowNodeDetailsResp);
// cinder(block storage) volumes
rpc ListVolumes(ListVolumesReq) returns (ListVolumesResp);
rpc ListVolumesDetail(ListVolumesDetailReq) returns (ListVolumesDetailResp);
rpc CreateVolume(CreateVolumeReq) returns (CreateVolumeResp);
rpc DeleteVolume(DeleteVolumeReq) returns (DeleteVolumeResp);
rpc UpdateVolume(UpdateVolumeReq) returns (UpdateVolumeResp);
rpc ListVolumeTypes(ListVolumeTypesReq) returns (ListVolumeTypesResp);
rpc CreateVolumeTypes(CreateTypeReq) returns (CreateTypeResp);
rpc DeleteVolumeTypes(DeleteTypeReq) returns (DeleteTypeResp);