1289 lines
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1289 lines
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* JavaScript Cookie v2.2.0
* https://github.com/js-cookie/js-cookie
* Copyright 2006, 2015 Klaus Hartl & Fagner Brack
* Released under the MIT license
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"object" == typeof exports && (module.exports = e(),
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function e() {
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if (r[a] = u,
e === a)
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return e ? r[e] : r
return r.set = i,
r.get = function(e) {
return c(e, !1)
r.getJSON = function(e) {
return c(e, !0)
r.remove = function(n, t) {
i(n, "", e(t, {
expires: -1
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r.withConverter = t,
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// 未报名用户登录时弹框
// console.log(Cookies.get('enroll_status'));
// if(Cookies.get('enroll_status') == 0){
// Cookies.remove('enroll_status');
// var html='<div class="CompetitionEnrollBox">'+
// '<div class="pr with40">'+
// '<img src="/images/educoder/competition/boxEnroll.png" width="100%"/>'+
// '<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="CloseBox" onclick="CloseBox();"><i class="iconfont icon-roundclose color-grey-c"></i></a>'+
// '<a href="https://www.educoder.net/competitions/gcc-dev-2018/enroll" class="ImmediatelyEnroll">立即报名</a>'+
// '</div></div>';
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if (allowVisit) {
window.open("/courses/" + id);
function open_project(id, allowVisit) {
if (allowVisit) {
window.open("/projects/" + id);
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// 试用申请弹框
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// editor 存在了jquery对象上,应用不需要自己写md_rec_data方法了
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// markdown的自动保存
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var oc = window.sessionStorage.getItem('content' + mdu);
if (oc !== null) {
$("#e_tips_" + id).data('editor', editor);
var h = '您上次有已保存的数据,是否<a style="cursor: pointer;" class="link-color-blue" onclick="md_rec_data(\'content\',\'' + mdu + '\',\'' + id + '\')">恢复</a> ? / <a style="cursor: pointer;" class="link-color-blue" onclick="md_clear_data(\'content\',\'' + mdu + '\',\'' + id + '\')">不恢复</a>';
$("#e_tips_" + id).html(h);
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$(id1).html(" 数据已于 " + h + ':' + m + ':' + s + " 保存 ");
}, 10000);
} else {
$("#e_tip_" + id).after('您的浏览器不支持localStorage.无法开启自动保存草稿服务,请升级浏览器!');
// 保存数据
function md_add_data(k, mdu, d) {
window.sessionStorage.setItem(k + mdu, d);
// 恢复数据
//function md_rec_data(k,mdu,id, editor){
// if(window.sessionStorage.getItem(k+mdu) !== null){
// editor.setValue(window.sessionStorage.getItem(k+mdu));
// md_clear_data(k,mdu,id);
// }
// 清空保存的数据
function md_clear_data(k, mdu, id) {
window.sessionStorage.removeItem(k + mdu);
var id1 = "#e_tip_" + id;
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// editorMD to create
* @param id 渲染DOM的id
* @param width 宽度
* @param high 高度
* @param placeholder
* @param imageUrl 上传图片的url
* @returns {*} 返回一个editorMD实例
function create_editorMD(id, width, high, placeholder, imageUrl, readonly) {
var readonly = readonly == undefined ? false : readonly;
var editorName = editormd(id, {
width: width,
height: high,
syncScrolling: "single",
path: "/editormd/lib/",
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taskList: true,
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readonly: readonly,
toolbarIcons: function() {
// Or return editormd.toolbarModes[name]; // full, simple, mini
// Using "||" set icons align right.
return ["bold", "italic", "|", "list-ul", "list-ol", "|", "code", "code-block", "|", "testIcon", "testIcon1", '|', "image", "table", '|', "watch", "clear"]
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testIcon: "<a type=\"inline\" class=\"latex\" ><div class='zbg'></div></a>",
testIcon1: "<a type=\"latex\" class=\"latex\" ><div class='zbg_latex'></div></a>"
saveHTMLToTextarea: true,
// 用于增加自定义工具栏的功能,可以直接插入HTML标签,不使用默认的元素创建图标
dialogMaskOpacity: 0.6,
placeholder: placeholder,
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imageUploadURL: imageUrl,
onload: function(cMirror) {
$("#" + id + " [type=\"latex\"]").bind("click", function() {
var __Cursor = editorName.cm.getDoc().getCursor();
editorName.cm.setCursor(__Cursor.line - 1, 0);
$("#" + id + " [type=\"inline\"]").bind("click", function() {
var __Cursor = editorName.cm.getDoc().getCursor();
editorName.cm.setCursor(__Cursor.line, __Cursor.ch - 2);
$("[type=\"inline\"]").attr("title", "行内公式");
$("[type=\"latex\"]").attr("title", "多行公式");
setTimeout(function() {
window.new_md = editorName;
}, 300);
return editorName;
// editormd to html
* @param id 渲染的id
* @param callback onload回調 暫時未用
function editormd_to_html(id, callback) {
editormd.loadKaTeX(function() {
editormd.markdownToHTML(id, {
htmlDecode: "style,script,iframe",
// you can filter tags decode
onload: function() {
callback && callback()
taskList: true,
tex: true,
// 默认不解析
flowChart: true,
// 默认不解析
sequenceDiagram: true// 默认不解析
function loadHeader() {
// //头部导航条的----------显示搜索框
// $("#search-open").on("click", function(e) {
// $(this).hide();
// // $("#header-nav").animate({opacity:"0"},1000);
// $(".posi-search").show()
// // .animate({opacity:"1"},1000);
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// // $(".search-input").val(""); // 不清空
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// $(".search-all .search-content").hide();
// e.stopPropagation();
// //阻止冒泡
// });
// $(".search-input").on("click", function(e) {
// e.stopPropagation();
// //阻止冒泡
// });
// //搜索框输入内容
// $(".search-input").on("input", function(e) {
// if ($(".search-input").val() == "") {
// $(".search-all .search-content").hide();
// } else {
// $(".search-all .search-content").show();
// }
// e.stopPropagation();
// //阻止冒泡
// });
// //搜索
// $("#header_keyword_search").on("click", header_search);
// $("input[name='search_keyword']").on("keydown", function(event) {
// var code;
// if (!event) {
// event = window.event;
// //针对ie浏览器
// code = event.keyCode;
// } else {
// code = event.keyCode;
// }
// if (code == 13) {
// header_search();
// return false;
// }
// });
// $(".search-clear").click(function(e) {
// e.stopPropagation();
// });
// //切换搜索条件
// $("#searchkey li").click(function(e) {
// var key = $($(this).children("a")[0]).html();
// switch (key) {
// case '实训':
// $("#search_type").val('1');
// break;
// case '课堂':
// $("#search_type").val('2');
// break;
// case '用户':
// $("#search_type").val('3');
// break;
// }
// $("#searchkey").siblings(".searchkey").html(key);
// // $("#searchkey").hide();
// e.stopPropagation();
// //阻止冒泡
// });
// //切换选择导航条
// $("#header-nav li").click(function() {
// $("#header-nav li").removeClass("active");
// $(this).addClass("active");
// });
// //点击页面其它(与搜索框无关的地方)都会将搜索框隐藏,所以与搜索框有关的地方需要阻止冒泡
// $("body").on("click", function() {
// closeSearch();
// });
// $(".search_history").on("click", function() {
// $("input[name='search_keyword']").val($(this).html());
// header_search();
// });
function header_search() {
var keyword = $("input[name='search_keyword']").val();
// 搜索关键字
var index = $("#search_type").val();
// 搜索课程/项目
keyword = encodeURIComponent(keyword);
// $.get('/users/search_shixuns_or_course',
// { search: keyword,
// index: index});
window.location.href = "/users/search_shixuns_or_courses" + "?search=" + keyword + "&index=" + index;
function closeSearch() {
// $(".posi-search").animate({opacity:"0"},800);
opacity: "1"
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$(".posi-search").css("z-index", "2");
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function unitDownOption() {
$("[select-for]").append("<i class='fa fa-sort-desc lesson_img color-grey-8'></i>");
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// 实训新建-选择自定义脚本diy
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function showprovince(id) {
var arrary = ["北京", "上海", "广东", "江苏", "浙江", "重庆", "安徽", "福建", "甘肃", "广西", "贵州", "海南", "河北", "黑龙江", "河南", "湖北", "湖南", "江西", "吉林", "辽宁", "内蒙古", "宁夏", "青海", "山东", "山西", "陕西", "四川", "天津", "新疆", "西藏", "云南", "香港特别行政区", "澳门特别行政区", "台湾", "海外"];
var html = "<option value=\"0\">请选择所在省份</option>"
for (var i = 0; i < arrary.length; i++) {
var item = arrary[i];
html += "<option value=\"" + item + "\">" + item + "</option>";
$("#" + id).html(html);
function showcity(province, cityField) {
switch (province) {
case "北京":
var cityOptions = new Array("东城","西城","朝阳","丰台","石景山","海淀","门头沟","房山","通州","顺义","昌平","大兴","平谷","怀柔","密云","延庆");
case "上海":
var cityOptions = new Array("崇明","黄浦","卢湾","徐汇","长宁","静安","普陀","闸北","虹口","杨浦","闵行","宝山","嘉定","浦东","金山","松江","青浦","南汇","奉贤");
case "广东":
var cityOptions = new Array("广州","深圳","珠海","东莞","中山","佛山","惠州","河源","潮州","江门","揭阳","茂名","梅州","清远","汕头","汕尾","韶关","顺德","阳江","云浮","湛江","肇庆");
case "江苏":
var cityOptions = new Array("南京","常熟","常州","海门","淮安","江都","江阴","昆山","连云港","南通","启东","沭阳","宿迁","苏州","太仓","泰州","同里","无锡","徐州","盐城","扬州","宜兴","仪征","张家港","镇江","周庄");
case "重庆":
var cityOptions = new Array("万州","涪陵","渝中","大渡口","江北","沙坪坝","九龙坡","南岸","北碚","万盛","双挢","渝北","巴南","黔江","长寿","綦江","潼南","铜梁","大足","荣昌","壁山","梁平","城口","丰都","垫江","武隆","忠县","开县","云阳","奉节","巫山","巫溪","石柱","秀山","酉阳","彭水","江津","合川","永川","南川");
case "安徽":
var cityOptions = new Array("合肥","安庆","蚌埠","亳州","巢湖","滁州","阜阳","贵池","淮北","淮化","淮南","黄山","九华山","六安","马鞍山","宿州","铜陵","屯溪","芜湖","宣城");
case "福建":
var cityOptions = new Array("福州","厦门","泉州","漳州","龙岩","南平","宁德","莆田","三明");
case "甘肃":
var cityOptions = new Array("兰州","白银","定西","敦煌","甘南","金昌","酒泉","临夏","平凉","天水","武都","武威","西峰","张掖");
case "广西":
var cityOptions = new Array("南宁","百色","北海","桂林","防城港","贵港","河池","贺州","柳州","钦州","梧州","玉林");
case "贵州":
var cityOptions = new Array("贵阳","安顺","毕节","都匀","凯里","六盘水","铜仁","兴义","玉屏","遵义");
case "海南":
var cityOptions = new Array("海口","儋县","陵水","琼海","三亚","通什","万宁");
case "河北":
var cityOptions = new Array("石家庄","保定","北戴河","沧州","承德","丰润","邯郸","衡水","廊坊","南戴河","秦皇岛","唐山","新城","邢台","张家口");
case "黑龙江":
var cityOptions = new Array("哈尔滨","北安","大庆","大兴安岭","鹤岗","黑河","佳木斯","鸡西","牡丹江","齐齐哈尔","七台河","双鸭山","绥化","伊春");
case "河南":
var cityOptions = new Array("郑州","安阳","鹤壁","潢川","焦作","济源","开封","漯河","洛阳","南阳","平顶山","濮阳","三门峡","商丘","新乡","信阳","许昌","周口","驻马店");
case "香港":
var cityOptions = new Array("香港","九龙","新界");
case "湖北":
var cityOptions = new Array("武汉","恩施","鄂州","黄冈","黄石","荆门","荆州","潜江","十堰","随州","武穴","仙桃","咸宁","襄阳","襄樊","孝感","宜昌");
case "湖南":
var cityOptions = new Array("长沙","常德","郴州","衡阳","怀化","吉首","娄底","邵阳","湘潭","益阳","岳阳","永州","张家界","株洲");
case "江西":
var cityOptions = new Array("南昌","抚州","赣州","吉安","景德镇","井冈山","九江","庐山","萍乡","上饶","新余","宜春","鹰潭");
case "吉林":
var cityOptions = new Array("长春","吉林","白城","白山","珲春","辽源","梅河","四平","松原","通化","延吉");
case "辽宁":
var cityOptions = new Array("沈阳","鞍山","本溪","朝阳","大连","丹东","抚顺","阜新","葫芦岛","锦州","辽阳","盘锦","铁岭","营口");
case "澳门":
var cityOptions = new Array("澳门");
case "内蒙古":
var cityOptions = new Array("呼和浩特","阿拉善盟","包头","赤峰","东胜","海拉尔","集宁","临河","通辽","乌海","乌兰浩特","锡林浩特");
case "宁夏":
var cityOptions = new Array("银川","固源","石嘴山","吴忠");
case "青海":
var cityOptions = new Array("西宁","德令哈","格尔木","共和","海东","海晏","玛沁","同仁","玉树");
case "山东":
var cityOptions = new Array("济南","滨州","兖州","德州","东营","菏泽","济宁","莱芜","聊城","临沂","蓬莱","青岛","曲阜","日照","泰安","潍坊","威海","烟台","枣庄","淄博");
case "山西":
var cityOptions = new Array("太原","长治","大同","候马","晋城","离石","临汾","宁武","朔州","忻州","阳泉","榆次","运城");
case "陕西":
var cityOptions = new Array("西安","安康","宝鸡","汉中","渭南","商州","绥德","铜川","咸阳","延安","榆林");
case "四川":
var cityOptions = new Array("成都","巴中","达川","德阳","都江堰","峨眉山","涪陵","广安","广元","九寨沟","康定","乐山","泸州","马尔康","绵阳","眉山","南充","内江","攀枝花","遂宁","汶川","西昌","雅安","宜宾","自贡","资阳");
case "台湾":
var cityOptions = new Array("台北","基隆","台南","台中","高雄","屏东","南投","云林","新竹","彰化","苗栗","嘉义","花莲","桃园","宜兰","台东","金门","马祖","澎湖");
case "天津":
var cityOptions = new Array("天津","和平","东丽","河东","西青","河西","津南","南开","北辰","河北","武清","红挢","塘沽","汉沽","大港","宁河","静海","宝坻","蓟县");
case "新疆":
var cityOptions = new Array("乌鲁木齐","阿克苏","阿勒泰","阿图什","博乐","昌吉","东山","哈密","和田","喀什","克拉玛依","库车","库尔勒","奎屯","石河子","塔城","吐鲁番","伊宁");
case "西藏":
var cityOptions = new Array("拉萨","阿里","昌都","林芝","那曲","日喀则","山南");
case "云南":
var cityOptions = new Array("昆明","大理","保山","楚雄","大理","东川","个旧","景洪","开远","临沧","丽江","六库","潞西","曲靖","思茅","文山","西双版纳","玉溪","中甸","昭通");
case "浙江":
var cityOptions = new Array("杭州","安吉","慈溪","定海","奉化","海盐","黄岩","湖州","嘉兴","金华","临安","临海","丽水","宁波","瓯海","平湖","千岛湖","衢州","江山","瑞安","绍兴","嵊州","台州","温岭","温州","余姚","舟山");
case "海外":
var cityOptions = new Array("美国","日本","英国","法国","德国","其他");
var cityOptions = new Array("请选择所在城市");
cityField.options.length = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < cityOptions.length; i++) {
cityField.options[i] = new Option(cityOptions[i],cityOptions[i]);
if (cityField.options[i].value==city)
//alert("here put City ok!");
document.oblogform["city"].selectedIndex = i;
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// 点击确定的时候ajax请求,两个按钮 点击确认跳转, 提示信息可以多行
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//点击删除时的确认弹框: 走destroy方法
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var htmlvalue = '<div class="task-popup" style="width:480px;"><div class="task-popup-title clearfix">提示</div>' + '<div class="task-popup-content"><p class="task-popup-text-center font-16">' + str + '</p></div><div class="task-popup-submit clearfix"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="hideModal();" class="task-btn fl">取消</a>' + '<a href="' + url + '" class="task-btn task-btn-orange fr" data-method="delete" onclick="hideModal();">确定</a></div></div>';
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function op_confirm_tip(str, func) {
var htmlvalue = '<div class="task-popup" style="width:500px;"><div class="task-popup-title clearfix">提示</div>' + '<div class="task-popup-content"><p class="task-popup-text-center font-16">' + str + '</p></div><div class="task-popup-submit clearfix"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="hideModal();" class="task-btn fl">取消</a>' + '<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="task-btn task-btn-orange fr" onclick="' + func + '();">确定</a></div></div>';
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var htmlvalue = '<div class="task-popup" style="width:500px;"><div class="task-popup-title clearfix">提示</div>' + '<div class="task-popup-content"><p class="task-popup-text-center font-16">' + str + '</p></div><div class="task-popup-submit clearfix"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="hideModal();" class="task-btn fl">取消</a>' + '<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="task-btn task-btn-orange fr" onclick="' + func + '">确定</a></div></div>';
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var htmlvalue = '<div class="task-popup" style="width:578px;"><div class="task-popup-title clearfix">提示</div>' + '<div class="task-popup-content"><p class="task-popup-text-center font-16 pt15">' + str + '</p></div><div class="task-popup-submit clearfix"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="hideModal();" class="task-btn fl">取消</a>' + '<a href="' + url + '" class="task-btn task-btn-orange fr" onclick="hideModal();$(\'.loading_all\').show();">确定</a></div></div>';
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// 两个按钮 点击确认跳转, 提示信息有两行
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var htmlvalue = '<div class="task-popup" style="width:480px;"><div class="task-popup-title clearfix">提示</div>' + '<div class="task-popup-content"><p class="task-popup-text-center font-16">' + str + '</p></div><div class="task-popup-submit clearfix"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="hideModal();" class="task-btn fl">取消</a>' + '<a href="' + url + '" class="task-btn task-btn-orange fr" onclick="hideModal();">确定</a></div></div>';
pop_box_new(htmlvalue, 480, 205);
function suofang() {
var html = '<div><p class="mb20 font-16 edu-txt-center">可能会影响某些功能的正常使用</p><ul class="mb20 color-grey-6" style="width: 372px;margin:0px auto;">' + '<li>1.请尝试调整浏览器缩放比例为<span class="color-orange mr5">100%</span>(快捷键ctrl+0)</li>' + '<li>2.请尝试调整系统显示比例为<span class="color-orange mr5">100%</span>(控制面板/显示 设置)</li>' + '</ul></div>';
sure_confirm_box("页面缩放比例不正确", 600, 310, html);
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