Go to file
GaoNeng dbb8365f35
feat: 花岗岩小队作品提交 (#414)
* fix:修复资源管理工具类型切换 (#239)

* fix:修复资源管理工具类型切换

* fix: 左右两侧面板宽度固定为280px (#230)

* fix(styles-spacing): 增大物料设置内外边距时点击区域 #134 (#184)

* fix(styles-spacing): 增大物料设置内外边距时点击区域 #134

* fix:预览引入builtin组件依赖,built组件样式文件注入js (#251)

* add config (#262)

* add config

* update config

* fix: 修复由于物料边框引起的左侧面板样式问题 (#247)

* fix: 设计器构建后使用vue runtime prod build(本地开发保持development, preview预览保持development) (#254)

* fix(canvas-renderer): 修复 isNative component 判断失效的 bug (#241)

* feat: js panel add jsx support  (#253)

* feat: JS面板支持JSX语法

* fix: 画布解析JS表达式时支持JSX语法

* fix: 修复画布解析JSX表达式时会返回undefined

* feat: 添加Tree和Tooltip的自定义渲染函数属性

* fix: 修改变量名

* feat: algo node

* fix: 修复报错

* fix: fix overflow

* feat: add node

* feat(setting): property

* feat: property setting

* feat(layer): bundle schema

* feat: useMonaco hook

* feat(code): monaco editor

* feat: code editor

* refactor: monaco editor

* feat: useVisitor

* feat(front-end): save layer

* init: backend project init

* refactor: move dl-flow-front repository to dl-flow

* chore: move dl-flow-backend to dl-flow

* chore: 重构仓库结构

* ci: fix ci

* feat(backend): unit test

* chore: update ci

* ci: 手动触发

* fix: ci error

* feat: hot load & minifiy

* fix: ci error

* feat(back): refactor to nest.js

* feat: expose port in docker-compose.yaml

* release: v0.0.2

* release: v0.0.3 release

* release: v0.0.4

* fix: ci fix

* fix: ci

* fix: ci

* fix: ci

* fix: ci

* fix: ci

* fix: ci

* fix: fix import

* fix: fix import

* feat(backend): layer controller

* feat(bakend): material

* fix: fix layer unit test error

* release: version 0.0.7 release

* fix(front-end): fix warning

* feat: save layer

* fix(backend): if property is undefined will no longer throw server error

* feat: remove memory server in dev env

* fix(front): delete tab item lazy load

fix(front): label i18n

* feat: remove cache when install dependencies

* fix: ci

* styled(front): delete console.log

* feat(frontend): context menu

* feat(front): group

* feat(front): group layout

* feat(front): group auto size & auto position

* feat(front): update schema

* feat(front): schema plugin

* feat(front): schema editor

* feat(front): schema field change

* feat(front): schema dynamic change

* feat(frontend): export button

* feat(backend): should add layer identifier when save

* feat(backend): code-generate service

* feat(backend): code generate

* test(backend): base unit test

* test(ast): ast base unit test

* feat(frontend): emit createCodeGenerate event

* feat(bakend): generate python code

* feat(backend): file download

* feat(front): download file

* test(backend): remove code-generate gateway unit test

* feat(frontend): add layer

You can use your existing network to build a lenet now

* feat(backend): remove generate res

* fix(frontend): retry

* fix: group generate code fail

* fix: build error

* 🐳 chore: frontend image

* chore: add packaging strategy

* fix: expose 9000-9900 ports

* chore: ignore all conf file when docker build

* feat: deploy example

* feat: expose bundle.json

* feat(backend): get material

* feat(frontend): unexpose bundle.json

* test: skip ast

* feat(frontend): get material

* feat: README.md

* feat(bundle): bundle data

* feat: update css

* feat: ref schema

* feat(font): list data sturct support

* feat(backend): support list data-struct

* feat(bundle): upsample, SpectralNorm Unflatten

* test(back): ast unit test

* feat(back): user api

* feat: use secret at test

* feat: Add environment variables to dockerfile

* fix: ci error

* feat(back): auth guard

* feat(user): register

* feat(front): login & register

* feat(backend): auth at code generate

* feat: remove dashboard

* refactor: group generate

* styled: clean comment code

* feat: build sequential

* feat(backend): Sequential

* feat(backend): auto load bundle.json

* feat: update example bundle.json

* doc: update readme

* doc: update readme & docker-compose

* fix(backend): jwt token expire

* fix: data will never is empty

* fix: force get schema

* feat: Improve link logic

* fix(backend): stack overflow at sequencingNode

* feat: Fix the issue of untraceable child nodes

* feat: Nested groups are not allowed

* feat: completion bundle.json

* fix(backend): bcrypt error

* fix(backend): restore auth in gateway

* feat(backend): ws exception

* feat(frontend): error retry

* feat: salt len

* fix: ci error

* fix: when process.env.PWD_SALT is undefined

* fix(backend): salt error

* refactor(addons): clean toolbars

* refactor(canvas): remove Unused components

* doc: perfect document

* docs: Discussion on the Commutability of Function Combinations

* docs: complete the images in the document

* doc: refinish documents

* 更新 README.md

* doc: improve documentation and annotations

* docs: improve documentation

* refactor: repo sturct

* fix: dry run

* fix: build error

* fix: build err

* fix(example): docker compose up -d can run

* feat: all in one start

* feat(dashboard): backend

* fix(backend): project:counter loss

* feat(frontend): infinity scroll load project

* feat(frontend): navigator

* feat(frontend): save schema

* feat(backend): add data field when return project info

* feat(backend): should take graphData when save

* feat(frontend): save and import data

* feat: welcome will take nick name

* fix: return data at create

* fix(front): edge loss

* fix: build error

* fix: build error

* fix: build error

* feat(front): rename

* feat(front): update state

* fix(rename): import style

* feat(frontend): menu

* feat(frontend): menu

* fix: add loss entry

* fix: add loss dep

* fix: prettier error

* fix: collapse error

* fix: do not use jsx

* feat: menu take style

* fix(backend):when paramattr name is empty, use uuid

* feat(backend): expose example volume

* fix: add padding property

*  feat(example): add example

* docs: update README

* fix: mirror error


Co-authored-by: yaoyun8 <142570291+yaoyun8@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: lizhijie429 <632163606@qq.com>
Co-authored-by: wenmine <wwmmail@foxmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Lu17301156525 <128358973+Lu17301156525@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: rhlin <r.h.lin@163.com>
Co-authored-by: chilingling <26962197+chilingling@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Gene <Pacify.98@gmail.com>
2024-05-09 15:27:21 +08:00
.github/workflows feat: 花岗岩小队作品提交 (#414) 2024-05-09 15:27:21 +08:00
dl-flow-backend feat: 花岗岩小队作品提交 (#414) 2024-05-09 15:27:21 +08:00
dl-flow-example feat: 花岗岩小队作品提交 (#414) 2024-05-09 15:27:21 +08:00
dl-flow-frontend feat: 花岗岩小队作品提交 (#414) 2024-05-09 15:27:21 +08:00
public feat: 花岗岩小队作品提交 (#414) 2024-05-09 15:27:21 +08:00
.dockerignore feat: 花岗岩小队作品提交 (#414) 2024-05-09 15:27:21 +08:00
.gitignore feat: 花岗岩小队作品提交 (#414) 2024-05-09 15:27:21 +08:00
README.md feat: 花岗岩小队作品提交 (#414) 2024-05-09 15:27:21 +08:00
dl-flow.code-workspace feat: 花岗岩小队作品提交 (#414) 2024-05-09 15:27:21 +08:00
dockerfile feat: 花岗岩小队作品提交 (#414) 2024-05-09 15:27:21 +08:00
package.json feat: 花岗岩小队作品提交 (#414) 2024-05-09 15:27:21 +08:00
pnpm-lock.yaml feat: 花岗岩小队作品提交 (#414) 2024-05-09 15:27:21 +08:00
pnpm-workspace.yaml feat: 花岗岩小队作品提交 (#414) 2024-05-09 15:27:21 +08:00



dl-Flow 是一种拖拽式的线性网络搭建的 Web 应用程序。你可以使用该程序直观的搭建一个paddlepaddle的神经网络.

Quick Start

Docker 搭建

我们非常推荐您使用Docker进行部署. 这不仅可以让你快速的进行上手, 也可以让您再后续对接其他程序更加的方便快捷(例如 K8s).

# docker-compose.yaml
    image: mongo
      - 27018:27017
    image: redis
      - 6379:6379
    image: gaonengwww/dl-flow-frontend
      - 80:80
      - ./nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
    image: gaonengwww/dl-flow-backend
      - 9000:9000
      - DB_URL=mongodb://mongodb:27017/dl-flow # 数据库地址
      - REDIS_HOST=redis # redis地址 (必填)
      - REDIS_PORT=6379 # redis端口 (必填)
      - REDIS_DB=0 # redis数据库 (必填)
      - REDIS_PASSWORD="" # redis密码
      - JWT_EXPIRE_IN=1d # JWT 过期时间 (必填)
      - JWT_SIGN_ALGORITHM=RS256 # JWT签名算法, 要与密钥对符合, 例如密钥对是RSA 2048bit, 那么此处应该是 RS256 (必填)
      - JWT_PUB_KEY=./keys/pub.key # JWT 公钥 (必填)
      - JWT_PRI_KEY=./keys/pri.key # JWT 私钥 (必填)
      - PWD_SALT=salt # bcrypt 盐(必填)
      - PWD_SALT_LEN=12 # bcrypt 盐(必填)
    volumes: # 强烈将下述卷挂载到本地, 以避免数据丢失
      - ./public:/public # 代码生成暂存位置
      - ./keys:/keys # 密钥对存放位置
      - ./data:/data # bundle.json与install.lock 存放位置
      - ./examples:/examples # 示例文件夹

Web-Ui 使用nginx驱动, 接下来我们需要编写 nginx.conf

worker_processes auto;

events {
    worker_connections 1024;

http {
    include mime.types;
    default_type application/octet-stream;
    sendfile on;
    gzip on;
    server {
        listen 80;
        location / {
            root /usr/share/nginx/html;
            index index.html index.htm;
        location ~ /endpoint/ {
            rewrite ^/endpoint/(.*)$ /$1 break; # 主要负责反代的rewrite, 否则发的是 http://server:9000/endpoint/
            proxy_pass http://server:9000;
        location ~ /socket.io {
            proxy_pass http://server:9001;

            proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
            proxy_set_header Host $host;
            proxy_http_version 1.1;
            proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
            proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";

docker compose up -d

接下来,您便可以访问 http://localhost 开始搭建


git clone https://atomgit.com/opentiny/000003.git
# git clone git@atomgit.com:opentiny/000003.git
ls -al
# .github
# dl-flow-backend  // 后端
# dl-flow-frontend // WebUi
# dl-flow-example // 示例
# nginx.conf // 预设好的nginx文件



cd dl-flow-backend
pnpm install
pnpm build 
node dist/main.js


前端魔改自TinyEngine, 部署方式与TinyEngine大同小异.

cd dl-flow-frontend
pnpm install
pnpm build:plugin
pnpm build:prod
cd packages/design-core/dist


  • DB_URL: 数据库链接地址 (必填)
  • REDIS_HOST: redis地址 (必填)
  • REDIS_PORT: redis端口 (必填)
  • REDIS_DB: redis数据库 (必填)
  • REDIS_PASSWORD: redis密码 (必填)
  • JWT_EXPIRE_IN: JWT过期时间, 规则可参考vercel/ms (必填)
  • JWT_SIGN_ALGORITHM: JWT签名算法, 要与密钥对符合, 例如密钥对是RSA 2048bit, 那么此处应该是 RS256 (必填)
  • JWT_PUB_KEY: JWT 公钥 (必填)
  • JWT_PRI_KEY: JWT 私钥 (必填)
  • PWD_SALT: bcrypt 盐 (必填)
  • PWD_SALT_LEN: bcrypt 盐长度

Bug 反馈

如有bug与其他方面的疑问, 欢迎提交issue


绿色区域: 网络与layer选择区域 红色区域: 布局区域, 在绿色区域 单击需要的网络后会显示在红色布局区内 蓝色区域: 网络区域, 可以配置网络的一些属性(Covn2D 举例)

  • 输入特征大小
  • 输出特征大小
  • 卷积核大小等

注意, 您应当自行校验网络的配置项, 例如: 理论上卷积核大小为1是可以存在的它也的确有一些作用比如

  • 升维/降维
  • 增加非线性




Web UI


├── packages
    ├── canvas
    │   ├── src
    │   │   ├── components
    │   │   │   ├── container
    │   │   │   │   ├── AlgoNode.vue          // 创建的自定义节点
    │   │   │   │   ├── GroupNode.vue         // 组节点
    │   │   │   │   └── X6Canvas.vue          // x6容器
    ├── controller
    │   ├── src
    │   │   ├── useLayer.js                   // 自定义Layer的逻辑
    │   │   ├── useResource.js                // 数据请求逻辑
    │   │   ├── useSchema.js                  // schema逻辑
    │   │   ├── useVisitor.js                 // Python AST解析
    │   │   ├── useWS.js                      // socket.io的二次封装
    │   │   └── useX6.js                      // x6的一些逻辑封装
    ├── design-core
    │   ├── authentication.html
    │   ├── src
    │   │   ├── App.vue
    │   │   └── authentication               // 登陆页面
    │   │       └── src
    │   │           ├── App.vue
    │   │           ├── components
    │   │           │   ├── login.vue
    │   │           │   └── register.vue
    │   │           └── main.js
    ├── plugins
    │   ├── materials                       // 物料 (paddlepaddle的网络物料)
    │   │   └── src
    │   │       ├── Main.vue
    │   │       ├── layer
    │   │       │   └── main.vue
    │   │       └── networks
    │   │           └── main.vue
    │   └── schema                         // 传输给后端的schema的预览窗
    │       └── src
    │           └── Main.vue
    └── settings                          // 物料的Props设计页面
        ├── code
        │   └── src
        │       └── Main.vue
        └── props
            ├── index.js
            ├── package.json
            └── src
                ├── Main.vue
                └── components
                    ├── Empty.vue
                    ├── ParamAttr.vue
                    ├── enums.vue
                    ├── list.vue
                    └── property-setting.vue






我们设计的是又向无环图, 又向表明 A->B 是正确的,但是 B->A 是不一定的。假设有一幅图

 |    |    |
 V    V    V




dl-flow-back >> README.md >> code-generate/README.md >> code-generate.gateway.ts >> code-generate.service.ts >> ast.service.ts 

dl-flow-frontend >> X6Canvas >> useX6 >> useSchma >> export